Looks great Rick. Did it ever get any further, or is it just waiting Ray to grab it up? I know it will look sweet on Ray's car. I guess you never painted it? Dave
Here are pictures of that Barracuda and other maverick, the cars are form the Mustang club de Mexico, the blue maverick too.
Shelby made both a Gt500 Mustang and a Gt350 Mustang, I know everything about stangs former owner of 65' coupe
Edelbrock 454s,..... based on the 427 Cobra, GT-500 design. Edelbrock quit making them soon after they were introduced, but have recently brought them back,...... in very limited quantities, according to people that sell them on ebay and charge an arm and leg for a set. Evidently....the quantities really weren't so "limited".......the prices are coming back down to affordable range. This is one of the sets that isn't so affordable: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/454-Edelbrock-Ultra-Wheel_W0QQitemZ8065628890QQcategoryZ43955QQssPageNameZWD1VQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
Hey MexMav.....keep your eye out for an old metallic green 70. I grew up in So Cal, and my very first car was a 70 Maverick. Around 1978-79, I sold it to a Mexican family who drove it back and forth from Mexico to visit relatives......I heard it eventually ended up living south of the border. Probably long gone, but I'd like to think it's still running around somewhere down there.
Sorry, Dave. I missed this post. It's leaning against the back of my garage - primered only. I figured if I was going to trade, there was no sense in painting it. I agree, I think it belongs on Ray's car.
That's the same wheels I'm looking at putting on my blue car. If I get the hood from Rick, that's about the only thing I'll have left to Shelbyize her. And Mustangs Unlimited sells them for less than $800 per complete set w/spinners.