Danny it's anyones guess as to when it will air...I track their schedule so I'll let everyone know. Derrick I get alot of compliments on the spoiler...everyone asks if it's real carbon fiber...of couse I tell them it's custom made by Derrick Yee out of So. Cal....no crap goes on this car.. Simon there was a Mustang somewhere behind me That white car was an early 80's model Ford 4 door LTD with a BBF motor...that bastid could run...I don't think I had 3 lengths on him at the end..
"That white car was an early 80's model Ford 4 door LTD with a BBF motor...that bastid could run...I don't think I had 3 lengths on him at the end.." Yep , I had noticed that the second time I watched the video... That `lil LTD looks like a street car and MAN was he movin~