I thought the p/s gearbox was a different ratio than the manual gearbox. Won't converting to manual steering using the p/s gearbox create some pretty hard steering? Especially for us guys with V-8s and 15" tires!
the extra "effort" is off set by the "quicker" steering "ratio" of the power gear box... . it's not like the motor shutting off on a "true" power steering car..frank...
looks like Frank has it under control. Mine doesn't look like that, but I see no reason for it not to work. Mine also has no springs or anything, just a ball and socket in a gutted control valve. It is interesting to pull into parking lots, but I don't care. Don't need no stinkin sissy steering... lol There is a good bit of effort required, but its worth it once you drive it at speed. It is so much tighter, more responsive... and you learn how to drive it, you don't just get in it and go, you drive differently without power assist. You don't turn the wheels while sitting still anymore...
So, is the effort comparable to a true manual steering car? I'm currently converting my '73 to manual steering. Luckily I have a parts car with manual steering - so I used all the manual parts. But, I may be doing this conversion on some of my others.
Its comparable to some manual steering cars... it is still hard as hell in parking lots tho. Don't parrallel park if you don't have the arms for it. Like I said, you relearn how to drive a car without power assist.
I converted my 77 to manual steering by just using the gearbox, pitman arm, centerlink, and idler arm from a 71. Some prefer the quicker power steering ratio and just switch pitman arms instead of the whole gearbox, but these teeny little arms needed the slower ratio.
I know I'm not Dan, but... I was told by MavMark that you have to use a special puller to get it off in one piece. I used the BFH approach which pulled the stud out of the control valve, if you want to rebuild it I would not use that approach.
6 and 8 use the same parts on power steering beyond the pump, sometimes it is different. I think the 200 uses its own pump, the 250 and 302 may use the same. The biggest problem I had was the control valve shaft was stuck in the pitman arm something fierce. We had to heat the pitman (last resort) and use a puller while hitting it with a hammer. I don't think this one had ever been reworked or removed from the car in 25+ years. I think I pulled the stud from the control valve as well, but its been a couple of years...