Weather forecast not looking good Sunday, for the Champaign, Illinois stop. High percent chance of rain/possible storms and windy. Hopefully, it will be revised b4 then.
Made it to about three hours outside of Madison, this should be an easy day compared to the 518 miles we put on the Mav yesterday.
Wow! This has been a lot of seat time, with little sleep. 1114miles since we left home Friday. Hopefully all the rush is behind us. We leave Madison in a little while. We got to see Mavman1970's car at the Tremec display, but didn't get to stick around and meet him. Chip must have been pulling in as we were pulling out for Green Bay. Pictures are being difficult with my new phone (and I'm too cranky to mess with it before my coffee ) but will follow.
Saw pictures of johns car on facebook. There's a blue mav in the kickoff video too. Have a great time!
Having so much fun, I'm doing a terrible job updating. Had a near miss yesterday with a white 3rd Gen camaro passing cars with left turn signals on (me being the lead). Could have been a sudden end to the trip. I've learned that you have to try to avoid the locals. If you see tour stickers you're ok, but no sticker - watch out!
Glad ur enjoying the tour. Had plans on making the Champaign Illinois stop but storms came thru and canceled that plan. Looking fwd to updates on the tour.
I have been watching the updates on FB. It looks like a lot of work, but even more FUN! Glad to see all of you 'representing' on the Power Tour!
Well, we are getting ready for the last leg home. We got our long hauler certificates, and decided to let the crowd thin out while I replaced the busted shocks on the back of the Mav. I finally got a picture with Chip, but of course I was dirty from being under the car. I finally caught up with John Thursday. That guy is like chasing a ghost, I had seen flashes of an orange Maverick all week, but could never get close. Both are great guys, and I hope to see them again sometime. Thursday night was spent changing the rear u joint that I had noticed was a little sloppy. If I had known it would go like it did, I would have gone to bed and rolled the dice. It's been a busy week for me, trying to fit in everything we want to do/see, plus the repairs to my car, and our buddy's 40 deluxe coupe popping a hole in the radiator. It may take me a day with an atlas, and a calendar to sort out the week, it's just a blur right now. I'm already wanting to go again!
Hello Everett: I was hoping to meet you in Champaign .. It rained but we got thru it OK . Met Cyclone Will and his wife with their Maverick. John was there too but couldn't find him .. Just his Maverick in Wisconsin. The Tour was somewhat cluttered in St.Louis but it got better as we progressed. The Comet ran great , got 20 MPG with a 408 Stroker . Got home last night at 11:30 after dropping Alex off at his home here in Florida. I "STILL" recommend doing the Tour ...even if its only one "Leg" or two . Great experience ...Many many beautiful cars. Cometized (Chip)
Glad u enjoyed the tour. 20mpg not shabby for 408 stroker. Hopefully, next yr I will be able to do a log or 2, when/if the tour comes this part of the nation.