I'll share an old painters trick with you guys. Get a bucket of hot water and let the cans sit in it to heat up before spraying. Then, dry them off well(sometimes the label needs to be removed to keep water from hiding under it and contaminating the project) and shoot a thicker coat without runs. Painted a whole station wagon once with 27 x .99 cent rattle cans from Wal-Mart and after buffing it all out with Maguires Diamond Cut.. no one would believe what I used to do it. It's all about the ambient air AND material temps combined with good healthy overlaps.
Just to finish this thread off. I ordered the SEM paint I linked to earlier in the thread. I stripped the dash down to bare metal and put an etching primer down. Built it up with primer and then put on light coats from the can. I think it turned out about as good as it could have.
It's a slick feel with an orange peel feel... I will be doing my interior the same.. I do like the color that G3blues has used. I wish I coulda found that color blue with silver metal flake in cans.