Ok spark plugs are still out so Ill go try that right now. Its a S6 250. Im gonna also try putting my old solenoid on in case i didnt wire up the new one right
Good news everyone! I had the old solenoid but new ground on and it still just clicked so I jumped the solenoid and it finally cranked! So I got the new solenoid installed and it cranked fine, now just gotta stick the spark plugs back in and she should run just fine Thanks everybody for your help!
was doing this while changing valve springs...noticed with engine upright the motor would turn 360 degrees. with motor upside down, same thing. with the motor on either side, it would turn almost all the way and stop. turn in the other direction it would stop almost in the same place... come to find out there was a carb mounting washer in one cyl. on it's side it would lay flat against the cyl. wall and hit the head. upright/upside down it was laying on top of the piston or head and would rotate all the way around. took me a minute and a magnet to figure out what was going on. don,t know how the washer got there...had never installed the carb yet...factory EFI motor.