ford master the car is from tx orginally.... dan the inperfections and all are still there... they just dont show on pics for some reason... i still gotta get a timing light and tweak it out as far as running right.. but she runs fabulous to me.. i plan on taking her to work thursday and going back over every bolt and nut to make sure... shes far from perfect but im happy with her and plan on doing more. i even got my first double take last night when i took her out to put gas in.. was funny i had forgotten what that was like. thanx everyone
p.s. i am always leery about posting pics cause i know a lot of people dont like 4 door mavs.. but i love mine.
who cares what other people like. i like the 2 doors myself, but that dosen't mean that i won't appreciate a good looking 4 door. yours looks great.
no.. not the original paint... someone did a quickie paint job on it a coupla years before i got a hold of it. when i do get around to repainting (in about 5 years) i am gonna goback with a similar or the same color.. i like it.