Well, I'd think I shouldn't have had to specify that the car should be jacked up. I don't think any method of removing the coil springs would end well otherwise. Also...
my point...we have some young Gearheads coming on here. some take what we say at face value. *Don't ever, ever do anything I write about, ever. I am not a sane person and you should stay away from any activity that makes you more like me. Always think, "What Would Drew Do" and do something else. if you have to put that in a post in a tech thread...don't post it...JMO
Alright man, it was just a joke and I thought an obvious one, but I see your point and I'll try to watch my mouth in the tech section.
Reviving an old thread- Is this type any good? http://www.google.com/products/cata...=X&ei=BwmQT9PTHdSM6QHO1IWyBA&ved=0CI8BEPMCMAE#
Yes but you may have to put a piece of pipe on the threads or it will bottom out in the spring perch.
Yes it will work used it this week with no issues, just make sure that the hooks of equal length are opposite of each other, no need to modify it at all to use it.
That's the same style I have and use on the Comet.. Only mine are made by Snap On. No issues but still nerving. I also do run a chain as mentioned before.. juuust in case.