That is why i try to buy projects from the southwest....The amount i pay to ship them is worth it compared to fixing stuff like that....Been there, done that
This car is actually the first maverick id ever seen. Belonged to a friend of my dad. It looked like a kick ass fast back. I bought it for $1500 and think about selling it from time to time but then I fire her up and take a trip around the block.
My torque boxes were bad (not as bad as yours) and my cowl hats were completely intact. The underside of those things just traps so much dirt. Fortunately for you somebody repops torque boxes now. I highly recommend looking into buying those as they were not around when I did mine and it was a huge pain.
Do you know who remakes them? If they're cheap enugh I might as well just replace instead of rebuild.
Call Joe at Period Perfect Parts Group (3PG). Thats where i bought mine. Replacing these can be an adventure so do your research!!!!!
or contact Rick Brooks on this forum for decent, mostly rust free, used Texas parts. I got a complete torque box from him with only surface rust issues that cleaned right up maverick has busted driver window = completed rotted floorboards... BUT torque boxes appear. Perfect oh well floorboard fab is easy plus i have torque boxes
I have the front section of the passenger side rocker cut out right now and heading into that side's floor and torque box repairs - the complete torque box, that I bought from Rick, is for the driver's side which is next on the list
Man, you have gotten alot done! I've been driving mine every so often but its almost time to attack the right torque box.....
Hate to be the one to tell you, but i think you are going to find more when you get that cut out. Get ready for some inner rocker work and some kick panel metal replacement. Sorry......
trust me guys, I've already built the entire floorboards to my 65 f100, rockerpanels, windshield cowl, inner fenders, fabbed the front cab mounts. I had to make the 86 model frame fit the 65 body. . . not my first rodeo. Metal fab is one of my favorite hobbies. I exept to find at LEAST three times more rust than whats on the service.