Figure that your big bumper had a lot more room to dance around and twist when it was hit so it might have taken a lot of the damage that might have hit structure but maybe it's time now to do the small bumper swap
I totally agree. You may be able to find one in a junk yard and just grab and bolt back on whatever you need
I was going to offer up a fender but mine are for the small bumper cars. I agree though, looks repairable, heck, the headlight didn't even break!
I think I'm going to take this as an excuse to fix cowl issues and get that water leak fixed. Just have to find somewhere to store till spring while I get some parts found. Gonna keep my eye out for a maverick to cut up.
There are some Mavericks in the wrecking yard in Mollala at Key Motors, maybe a Comet as well
Cool thanks for the tip! I actually talked to that guy last summer when looking for doors. I think I'm going to have to actually go out there and see what he's got in person this time.
There's a fresh Maverick in your area with good RF fender, small bumper though...
I agree it LOOKS repairable. With the right tools and the right supply of parts and knowledge, ANYTHING is repairable. It appears that the damage has been limited to the area ahead of the wheels, so that helps a lot. If you need measurements or anything like that, let me know, as I have a never-wrecked, perfectly straight car sitting on jack stands with no drivetrain, suspension or sheet metal in the way of measuring. My old 4-door suffered a similar fate (No bumper damage, no hood or grille damage), and I managed to fix it up. . . Having said all of that, it doesn't take much force to twist these lightweight, unibody cars. You'll be better able to judge how bad the bent rad support and inner fender is, once you try to hang a new fender and can start measuring panel gaps. Good Luck, and I'm glad nobody was hurt!
Just send it to me and I'll take care of parting it out, hmmm wait, send it to me and I'll build the Cosmic Blues Comet out of it!
Actually that is like 5 minutes from my apartment on the same street. If only I weren't flat broke I would be over there after work tonight. Just bought a 93 Subaru Legacy wagon to get me through the winter. Because you see, the icing on the cake of this whole ****ing fiasco is that the only reason I was driving my car that day is that the timing belt broke on my wifes 92 Honda Accord (interference engine...) and I'm still trying to get that fixed. So here I was getting my cars ready to drive out to the Oregon Coast for thanksgiving. Found a bad soft brake line on the Comet (not broken just bad) on Tuesday before Thanksgiving. Put a new brake line on order. Drive out to the Coast and my wifes timing belt snaps on Thanksgiving day running to the grocery store. 249996.8 miles on the Odometer. I know because I looked down, thought OMG I'm gonna roll past 250k! Then the engine cut out and the car rolled to a stop from 65 MPH. Fast forward to Monday where I need to get to work and the wife needs to get to work, if the wife missed she lost her job, and if I missed I lost my pay for the holiday. So I drove the Comet. I did not wreck BECAUSE of the bad soft break line, but it sure didn't help any. I mean, like I said there was a lot of factors. I mean I blame the guys doing road work quite a bit. They didn't move their signs as they moved down the road, wound up a 1/4 mile from their warning signs, and on a blind corner. The law mandates the closest sign to have been on that blind corner, and certain not .18 miles from the flagger ( I took pictures and used my GPS to get distances). The lady stopped about 45 feet in front of the Flagger, inside the turn. I was 6 seconds behind her going into the corner at 20MPH. Under perfect road conditions on a straight road my 20MPH stopping distance should be about 30 feet with a 4 second reaction buffer. This road was slightly damp which should push my stopping distance out to 45-50 feet. So yea just a bit of bad luck compounded. I knew I shouldn't have been driving the Comet, and in particular not on that road, but no choice at the time, kind of sucks.