Well sorry to say that it worked and worked well, the dent happened by downward force correct, the reverse order would be upward force while messaging the crease around it, I worked out a small dent just behind my rear quarter window on the sail panel the same way, the reason for the plywood is to form to the original curve of the sheet metal yet will flex just enough to allow reforming of the steel around the dent. could have finished with a couple passes of primer but used filler, so take it or leave it I guess
Well a lil update.... Heat gun and compressed air shallowed up a few small dents. Might have to get persuasive with the larger ones
Ok so startedd applying heat today and usune a small rubber hammer for flooring and a dolly and its been working great on the ripples and creases.... Got most of the small dents out. Most are barely noticable any more.... Small skim of filler and glazing putty i should be good. Right now its a 10 footer job which is a big improvement..... Ill probly start a build trend soon and post picks of the good and bad
Im just using lo heat to releave the stress in the creases. After i work a area i quench with cold water and check the crown with a flexy metal yard stick