A friend of mine made the awful eyesight you ever seen to enclose his VW part cars using wood pallets, blue tarp, green tarp, scrap pieces of plywood and 2x4's to hide his VW’s from being seen from the road. The inspector didn’t have a problem with it because the cars were hidden from view. Whoever complained now wished they didn’t
Perhaps you like other people deciding for you what is "junk" and what isn't. I have a car that doesn't run, because it is a project car. It is not "junk". People need to mind their own business, and government needs to get the heck out of peoples' lives.
I will second that. I dont want to look at all the crap my neighbor has stacked in his yard and piled up on his "project" cars that have been rotting in his yard for the last 12yrs. Put that crap away.
hahahhahaha! It sure doesn't say the 'shelter' or 'building' has to be pretty...Just enough to enclose it
Well I spent an hour at codes yesterday, I am basicly screwed.....you can not have any car in peices out side a building. even if they are tagged and titled in your name..if you dont plan to drive them...and yes I asked how would you know if I am not.....we went round and round with wording....I asked about a fence....they basicly said no but did give in a little if it was only a couple of cars and they were not in peices, and if the neighbors could see over it from their property i would still be in violation. and i even told them they passed countless others that were as bad, or worse than mine to get to me.
Several years ago our county commission put forth some new rulings on this very subject. As it turned out one of the commissioners was one of the " offenders "! I helped him to remove the " tool shed " ( a 1980 Ford van ) and his daughters " Sixteenth birthday present ", she was 14 at the time.
I would have to agree as well, and I have cars all over the place. They are all inside because I live smack dab in the middle of town about a block from the town office/police department. Parts cars sitting outside are an eyesore. They hurt property values. How? My neighbor would find it very hard to sell their house if the potential buyer looked over and saw (8) parts cars sitting out in the yard. When property values are hurt....less taxes can be collected. Less taxes being collected turns in to everybodies problem. THAT is why there are laws. It all boils down to tax dollars being collected....or not collected.
I have to say, and I may get flamed here for saying it. That if my neighbor had a bunch of junk parts cars laying around his yard I would be pissed too. If I bring a parts car home, I take in the garage, strip what I plan on saving and then get rid of the carcass.
There is no zoning here where I live .............. you could have this in your front yard if you wanted one ..............
for all the flamers they were parked on gravel or on the side of the driveway..none were in the yard, and like I said they passed worst properties to get to me. and I passed several next to the justice center with more cars with weeds around them next to the public road.....go figure
I am not trying to flame anyone. I certainly don't know of your situation personally. I am just looking at it from a neighbors point of view. And in my neighborhood, I wouldn't want to look at all that. Non the less, good luck in your battle.
Obviously somebody complained about your property and did not complain about the others. When I have had parts car sitting around here...I plated them. For $25 a year I can go to the BMV and get plates. As long as it still looks like a car and all the major parts are still on the car, it can sit outside just fine and knowbody bothers me. Once I start dismantling them...in the garage they go.
I asked about tagging them and was told it wouldnt matter, if is their view the car isnt running or in their view it isnt economical to repair they will still write you a sitation. I have titles for over half of them in my name and the others signed and in the safe. Robert