10's for everybody... Zandrea Penn is a 10. Was there a car in those pics? I think it was yellow maybe?
Thanks to everybody that has voted for us. We still need more votes. Get your friends to come help us out. The Mavericks/Comets are kicking some pretty good butt. We're just not in 1st place yet.
Well, somebody is trying real hard to kill our ratings. In the last few hours all of our Mavericks/Comets have received at least three 1 votes each. I guess we must be doing too good and somebody is trying to knock us down a few notches. Sure wish I knew who it was. I reported it but I doubt anything will be done. The Online Car Show seems like a decent idea but this kind of stuff happening will run people off in a hurry. Oh well, tomorrows another day. I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it. Later!
It's a real shame that people have to be like that, but when you think about it it's not that much different than real car shows with participant judging. People who are fiercely loyal to a certain make of car will bypass all others to vote on that one brand of car. I see it all the time, especially in the area where I live. Around here there is a very strong following of Chevy loyalist. It seems like they have an unspoken rule : If it's a Ford it gets ignored. On more than one occasion I have watched a Chevy owner walk down a row of mixed brand cars, not even spare a glance at the Fords or Mopars, head straight for a Chevy and vote on it. The car could be far inferior to the other cars, but it will get voted on simply because the guy voting is loyal to Chevys and will not consider anything else. Is that fair? Absolutely not, but that's what happens and there seems to be no way to stop it. It appears the same thing is happening at the OCS. I am not above giving a Chevy or a Mopar a 10 if the car is really nice and shows a lot of attention to detail and workmanship. To give a truely beautiful car a 1 just because it's not your favorite make of vehicle is just ignorant and closed minded. I do hope the OCS will be able to figure out a way to weed out those people and make it fair to everybody. If they can't play well with others, then they should not be allowed to play at all.
Wow, I'd better be careful when I'm using these things or I might accidentally get to vote twice a few times...
I agree 100%. And I don't care if nobody votes FOR my car but it makes me mad if they give it a 1 just to try and drive the rating down on purpose. Whoever did it got all the Mavericks/Comets at the same time within a very short period of time which makes me wonder if it was someone associated with this board. All they would have had to do was click each of the names in my link above. If it was somebody associated with the show only, they would have had to search for Mavericks/Comets to be able to give all of the negative votes which is possible but is it likely? Who knows? All I can say is if it is members from this board they should be man enough to speak up and tell us what they really think.