This is what mine looks like: The other side matches that as far as the sliver goes.. Thats when it was rolling over 200,000. I think they went to the all black insturment cluster in '75.
O.K. I see what your sayin about in the black part. So your 76 should be all black like my 75. I wonder if i can dress mine up with a doner cluster
I think you can, but I would use one from a '74 if you can find it. The plugs and wireing changed over the years, and I'm not sure what years interchange with what. I know I couldn't plug my '74 harness into a '72 cluster. My '74 plug was to short. My '76 didn't have any interior in it when I got it, but I assume it had one that was all black. When I'm in NC next week I will see if the cluster in my '74 will plug into my '76.
Is there anyone in South America that can source some of these parts for us? I have seen one person hawking tail lights here... I would buy one of those dashes, stripped bare of course, just to be the only person here to have a glove box. Dave I wonder how hard it would be to check a dash into luggage? Maybe a vacation to Rio would be nice... yeah right!