I vote for save it if possible. Looks pretty solid otherwise. I would believe 67K miles (instead of 167K ...) Ray, When you do a top and tail, you said cut the floor in the rear seat area ... do you cut the body in the narrow part of the rockers, or through the rear quarter (keeping the original the door jamb)? Trying to get a better idea of the process... On a related note ... 10 years ago, my buddy and I ran into what looked like leftovers of 1940s and 50s cars that looked like they were once donors for this procedure. It struck us as odd that there were a dozen rusty half-cars all in the same place. Got some cool pictures of them here somewhere.
I wish it were closer to me. I'd buy it in a heartbeat. Either way, part or save, it's a great deal. Jim
When I said rear seat I was thinking about the sedans we usually do here. On a 2-door maverick you would go through the rocker at the door opening, so under the front seat area. You want to keep the replacement qtrs fully in tact. The most important part would be in the rocker panel area. It has to be cut properly, and spliced back in properly, in order to keep the needed strength. We've never done a Maverick before but it can't be any worse than some of the late model unibody cars that we have done. You want the smallest amount of cutting and welding as possible.
RARE CAR MUST SAVE ! must save must save !!!!! If you cant do the work buy it and hold till some one else can get it PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE MUST SAVE AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH
i think you should save it. if your not very interested in the project right now you should buy it and store it anyways
If it isnt twisted (probably is) save it!!! top and tail is a good way to goor you can put a roof on it (necessary) if you dont T&T it.The quarter and pillar can be straightened or grafted (above the door tag please)You say you dont have the skills/tools necessary...Then you need to decide if you can afford to repair it or not.If you cant...part it...or pass on it.Hate to see a optioned V-8 Sprint get cut up though... You think thats bad you should see some of the wasted hulks people save becuase they are "muscle cars" and or rare pieces.