I've seen both top and tail and on fwd cars, a front and windsheild. I've never tried it, but it's certainly a possibility with that car. Cutting would be the tricky part, then you have to check and double check before you welded it back together. I've seen 4 doors shortened into two doors, VW vans shortened to the wheelbase of a bug. Only bodywork would be the windsheild post and the rockers. the rest would be under the bottom where nobody would see it.....
I vote to save it. I've seen people restore piece-of-crap rusted-out cars that should have been junked. What you have here is not that bad, and it is extra special being a Sprint. Like someone else said, if you can't get to it now, buy it and store it until you have time. Don't let it get away.
I really think the car could be saved. I even think I could move the metal around enough to make a good car out of it. But the best way would be like Ray said, that would insure a better car, I have fixed waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse.
We use to do it in our body shop with the Chrysler K frame cars in the early nineties. Didnt take the guys very long. They have gotten away from it now. The structures are more complex now. Save it. I'd fix it. My body man would love to get a hold of that car.
I say fix it take your time and it will just be worth more in the end, but if your in a hurry then swap the parts and make a clone honestly unfortunatly in our world the value dosent increase much.........
Buy it,store it,and when u can,rebuild the original car back.I've seen alot worse,less worthy cars saved.Heaven sakes,it's a sprint.Thought I was goin to get me one,but them mean ole doctors got my $$$$$!
im with Ray, top and tail. Me and my uncle have done quite a few of these...lots of nissan hardbody pickups. He's right, its not "that much" work. as long as u cut both cars precisely and can weld profficiently
But......if he cuts off a tail and top off of another Maverick to restore this twisted Maverick Sprint.....then another perfectly good 2-door Maverick will have to lose it's life....unless he got lucky and found one whacked real hard in the front. These are not Corvettes and Mustangs. Parts car.
I think Save it as well.....the only thing that would change my mind is the integrity of the undercarriage from the unibody perspective (It was rolled). If the floor is straight and you have the means .....go for it.
I saw one just the other day at the pull-a-part in Birmingham that would be a perfect donor. Since they won't sell you the whole car but will sell sheetmetal, it could easily be cut and carted off. It will be crushed anyway[ may have been already]. There are probably a lots of partially stripped cars in junkyards like that.
i'd just change the body and be done. i mean in all reality, that's the most easy and justifyable way of doing it because if u go cutting on a unibody car that is already bent (which i assume it is from the pics) then the car will never be "true" again. ive spent some time at a local body shop and ive seen what it takes to make a car straight again and im sorry but i think Craig said it best when he said "these aren't Corvettes and Mustangs" so i dont think it would be worth the effort and all of the labor. but that's just my opinion......
Yeah, but there are lots of 6-banger Mavericks out there with decent top and tails already in need of restoration. I'd much rather end up with a nice v8 Sprint anytime over a 6 cyl plain Jane Maverick.
I doubt many of these cars are still "true" now days anyways, unless it's like super low mileage. Hell, they probably weren't that true to begin with. I've pulled a bunch of measurements on my other 8 Mavericks while working on my '74 Grabber body, and in some instances there was 1/4 - 1/2 inch difference between the bodys, even on a couple of cars that I know the entire history of and know haven't ever been wrecked.