Congrats on the win. If you have a high speed connection and the file is under 10 megs, you can try uploding it to the photogallery under the video section. If that does not work, try emailing me and id that does not work, PM me for FTP access.
ROBERT!! You are still here! What you been up to? Finally got a computer working? What is the status of your car? I need to give you a call. Thanks everyone, it really does mean alot to us. I still have a couple of mods to do to the Mav but it is pretty much finished. I am in the process of posting some video on the web, hopefully will have it finished tonight. If it works, make sure you turn your sound up. Stephan....Thanks but most of the files are 25+ Mb. If you have another solution let me know. I will post as soon as I have it up and running. JP
Here's a link to some of the video and pictures. I threw the page together in the last hour so don't expect much! Most are .mov files so you will need Quicktime to view them. They are from 16 to 25 Mb so if you have a slow connection give it time...dial up, forget it. Sorry. Now I need to get some drag racing video up. Please realize that we are at 5000 ft of elevation so the car is a little slower here. Hope to make it to a Round Up one of these days. I will get more posted if anyone wants to see more. JP
Yep, it was in Montana. This is a normal year!! It is usually pretty dry up here during the summers. Its nice with the low to no humidity! BTW...My link above does not seem to be working now. I will check on it when I get home. JP