Earl, I'm so sorry to hear of this news. You're right, the Maverick can wait. It's just a car and you have your friends here to help when you need us. Don't hesitate to ask if there is anything I can do...you have my number. We will be praying for you and your family. We wish the best for you guys.
Sorry to hear it Earl. Judy and I will pray for you and your family, when time comes let me know and will help any way I can on the Mav.
Sorry to hear that Earl. My thoughts & prayers are with you & your family. The Maverick can be fixed at a later date....
So sorry to hear about the troubles You are having Earl.Prayers being said for You and Your family. Tim
Thanks, everybody, for the prayers and support. My Mom is expected to pass on anytime, so I have to be ready to leave here at any minute. As for the car, well, the top of the engine, wiring, distributer and possibly the a/c compressor are toasted, as well as the paint on the hood. The hood can be repainted and fixed, so no problem there. I think the car can be fixed without too much, but it will have to wait for a while. Again, thanks for the support, and I will keep you all posted on what is happening. I'll try to post some pics of the car tonight, if I can.