i washed it down with gas, washed it off with water, painted it with engine paint, and bolted up a $30 valve cover the carb is dirty as crap tho i used flat black on the exhaust to get rid of the surface rust look and thanks
After sitting that long, is there good gas in the tank. Today, gas is no good after about 6 months or so. Drain it all out and start with fresh being sure it gets up to the carb and the carb bowl is not loaded with crap..
is it the same cyl. if so it's a "stuck valve". pull the valve cover and look for the one that isn't moving when the motor is running...put some oil on it and it with a BFM...(M..is for mallet). could be a ...pumped up lifter also... ...my ...
The gas tank was almost empty when I got the car. I took out the gas take at that time and rinsed it out a bit with fresh gas. After I would find a cylinder not firing (before I changed the sparkplugs, wires, cap, rotor) I would take out the plug clean it, then place it back in. Then it would be another cylinder not firing. It would do that each time. I did it 3-4 times before I gave up and came here. I'll check what you guys mentioned and post later on today with my results. Hopefully it's something simple.
I checked the PCV valve. A black little thing. When the hose was off of it it ran better. But when I put it back on it went back to how it was running. I took off the PCV valve then I hooked it up to the hose. It would then shake and die. So I would suppose I need to go get a new PCV valve? And that hose has a pretty good vacuum, I might add. I feel somewhat relieved . The PCV valve also has something moving freely in it too.
i see you may have fixed it, but here are some other fixes as well you can try replacing the point also.. a replacement distributor from checker when i bought one, it was an orignal repalcement, single point.. for like 89.99
So I got a new pcv valve but it still runs rough, better I may say than before. When I take off the hose from the pcv valve the car runs even better. There is also another hose below the carb that is a little loose but not totally off, it has pretty good suction too. When i took that off for a sec or two, the car started to run even better with the pcv valve hose off too. It seems like it's running rich two, but I've leaned it as much as I can. I'm just gonna get the original carb that was in the trunk rebuilt and then swap them out. Hopefully that'll solve it.