Spectre Performance Maverick Design Contest

Discussion in 'General Maverick/Comet' started by 72-Maverick, Dec 11, 2007.

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  1. newtoford

    newtoford Member

    Mar 16, 2006
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    '76 Maverick, '76 Comet, 78 Monte Carlo, '85 Cutlass Supreme, '86 Regal Limited, '87 Grand Prix
    that dash is killer!
  2. Grabber-1

    Grabber-1 Member

    Nov 17, 2004
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    thanks for the updates keep them coming...I know i've had visions for cars and they change all the time ( wanted a mustang console but got a camaro one for free) They want to showcase their products..what better way than to bring 2 different ideas together into one? Personally a toyota engine isnt my dream or thought of the ideal combo but alot of people would like to put a SVO 2.3 into a mav whats the difference?? escorts used mazda engines . look all I'm saying is alot of us enjoy our mavs because they're different. If thats your kind of different then more power to you and thanks for the updates.......i might not like the engine but there is alot of other aspects that are cool

  3. Andysutt

    Andysutt '72 Comet GT

    Dec 30, 2002
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    Thanks for the update, but I honestly dislike the car now.

    I figured it would get the basics, but totoally different dash and things like that ruin it for me.

    I was contemplating on not going on the Power Tour this year, but the Maverick was semi motivating me. I highly doubt I'll go now, not just because of the maverick but because of other reasons also
  4. Jamie Miles

    Jamie Miles the road warrior

    Feb 8, 2005
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    I like the car. Dare to be different, that's what building these cars is all about. Only thing I don't like is how you cut up such an apparently clean, original car to build it. And how you get all defensive when someone dosen't like it. Not everyone is going to like the car, that's just the way it is and part of reality when you build a cross breed like this. Better get used to it.

    I can't wait to see more updates on the car!
  5. Popbumper

    Popbumper PINTO unashamed

    Jan 9, 2008
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    These "arguments" are legendary in the sense that, well, they have always been with us as long as people have toyed with modifications. One man's pudding is another man's poison. I don't really believe there are limits/boundaries, as long as there are imaginations and skills/craftsmanship at work.

    For myself, I enjoy and appreciate the "bone-stock-all-numbers-and-cosmetics-and-equipment-match-original-factory-specs" vehicles because they have a place in history :thumbs2:. But you have to remember, were it not for the imaginations of men like Iacocca (as an example), the world first would never know some of the most popular (and unpopular) automobiles ever built on a production line. Many of those automobiles were conceived on a whim - some won (Mustang, Corvette), some lost (Corvair, Rambler, Edsel :rofl2:). Many were conceived with radical thinking!

    Regardless, taking these automobiles "one step further" and doing what the factory could not/would not dare to do (or, were unable to do at the time w/o the technology), is a bonus. I love seeing older vehicles with improved drive trains, interiors, accotrements, and aftermarket parts regardoless of type. This is why car shows are such a blast; there is ALWAYS something new :clap:. And why not? Does the Maverick not also deserve some clever ingenuity? Isn't the fact that it is getting press enough to get the blood pumping? At what point is it no longer a MavericK?

  6. Andysutt

    Andysutt '72 Comet GT

    Dec 30, 2002
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    1972 Comet GT
    I'm not saying the car will be a bad car.

    I just wasnt found of the drivetrain to start with... i could careless how powerful they are, they just don't belong in a maverick in my opinion.

    Its 2 far from what the car looked like originally to me
  7. CornedBeef4.6L

    CornedBeef4.6L no longer here

    Apr 3, 2003
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    going fast these days isn't really that impressive.....
    with enough money I could make a moped run 8's
    not to mention in the midwest there are plenty of 6-7 sec street cars....

    I'll give props and say those cars run great, and I like dare to be different stuff, but as a die hard mavericker I'm bummed you didn't go with something more traditional. However it's your car you do what you want and my opinoion and everybody elses shouldn't mean a thing to you unless you have insecurities....

  8. codycr6

    codycr6 Member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    They also just happened to have a Baer Big Brake Kit, MOMO Seats, and Ford Rear End in their shop, should I tell them not to install those because it was not in the design? It's their car, in the end they will build it like they see fit. Just enjoy it for what it is.

    So they already had the engine, transmission, rear end, brakes, and seats...what is the use of having people submit completed designs? Why not just what color and wheels they wanted? I see they are not going to use the seats you had in mind, they changed the outside look, you knew they already had the engine transmission before you made your submission... will they at least be using the color and wheels of your design? I now more fully understand how the contest played out, and am actually somewhat thankful that they did not choose my design. I'm not sure how much would be left of it, and would have been very disapointed if all the work my wife and I had put into that design had been butchered. The upside of it all is that when we finish hers, which is cosmetically similar and will also be using a turbocharged 302 with Megasquirt and methanol injection, people will not feel we copied "Spectre's" design.

    Please keep us updated... still curious as to how this plays out.
  9. Rajunz

    Rajunz Member

    Jan 21, 2008
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    I'm not getting defensive at all. If that were the case, I would not have come back on here and posted progress on the car. I've built Mopars for half my life, Challengers, Cudas, Chargers, etc. I've owned 2 Mavericks, I'm 47 years old and have owned over 45 cars. I'm more open minded about cars than most, and I will say that Supras are extremely impressive cars, they do everything extremely well, not just make horsepower.

    In my eyes, what would be the point of sticking another small block Ford in a Maverick, you can find those everywhere. The Viper Maverick that Jason Lewis is building is badass in my eyes, because it is different. I designed this to be different, and the Supra engine came to mind because the car originally had an Inline 6 in it, who cares that the engine was built in a land far, far away. Like I said earlier, just enjoy it for what it is.
  10. RabidCustoms

    RabidCustoms sic minds demand sic toys

    Mar 9, 2002
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    why would you start with a heap to build a nice car?..... just takes more time and money.

    I took a rust free clean 72, and cut it up beyond recognition,....I wont mention the 2 NOS door skins I cut up as well .
    then there are the new quarter panels I cut into peices to modify.

  11. Rajunz

    Rajunz Member

    Jan 21, 2008
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    Cody, you really should quit while you're ahead. There's alot to be said for being graceful in defeat. You're really coming across as a sore loser now. Had you have won the contest, I would be following your build threads weekly, and enjoying them to see how the project ended up. Most of the other contestants actually congratulated me on winning, even though, I'm sure just like you, they would have preferred their design win the contest.

    Now it get's to the point that you start accusing Spectre of running a contest that was not on the up and up? Do you know how big their warehouse actually is? Do you know that they also have 3 other Ford project cars waiting to be built? Do you know that they also have 302's sitting in their warehouse, not just 2 Supra engines? It took us a while to source the 5 speed. And do you know that Amir, the owner of Spectre liked this design because it was such a different concept? You can say all you want about me, but I don't really care for the nonsense of saying their contest was rigged. Did you not receive your prizes? The contest was behind schedule, we ended up with 3 months to build the car, that is the real reason for using what they already had in their warehouse.

    You should really just kick back and enjoy it for what it is.

  12. Stefan

    Stefan Big Cheese Administrator

    Mar 9, 2002
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    Lance, I locked this thread as its gone off topic. I and others are interested in this build and would love to see regular updates. Please start a new thread when you have an update.
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