I have probably missed something,but I would be worried about where This stuff is coming from! I've never seen anything like what's in all these photos come out when I change my oil,or does it all accumulate in the filter? I have cut open filters before and never saw metal in them either! I'll agree on not to use Fram! I cut one open and the actual "filter" was the size of an inline fuel filter! I'll never use one again!!! No wonder my oil pressure dropped! I like Wix the best! Purolator is second! Thanks to all who have posted to this thread! I'm getting a filter wrap kit regardless if I can see the stuff or not,my eyes aren't what they once were!
That's just it. One would not see the gunk unless there is a magnet. That gunk is always there and capturing it definetly has to help. I guess we have to rely on the filter when it comes to aluminum..