I hate to defend hondas but who knows what cars will sell for in the future. Who ever thought that a 57 chevy would be as desirable as it is today? People will still most likely be into their hondas and whatnot in 25 years. Mavs were nowhere near as popular back in the day as a civic is now. But again look at what theyre selling at, some more than twice as much as the day they rolled off the assembly line. Nobody knows what a civic or any other given ricer will go for later. You just cant say. -Todd
As always I need to add my 2 cents. True I don't think anyone will ever think of an 85 or 95 honda civic as a classic but to say that there are no imports (japanese) that will ever be classic is untrue. My fiance has a 77 280z (with only intake, exhaust, and a cam, all else is stock, what can I say Nissan had the touch) that I hate to admit is faster than a lot of the mavs on this board and has smoked a lot of muscle cars around here and it's not turbo. He has a pretty fast car and he knows how to drive it well. His car has won best in show at more than his share of car shows around here, and we had one of the winners of Hot August Nights out here and he beat out that guy. Although I hate to admit it just like there are a lot of "all show and no go" hondas there are just as many muscle cars that have really nice paint and interior but have zip under the hood. I know I'm probably going to get railed on but it's the truth. Some imports are collectors and should be respected for the time and dedication that has been put into them.
This exact conversation could have taken place 15 years ago when the Model T Club members said that Mavericks and Torinos would never be collectibles.....oh how times have changed...very little it seems.
. I think the reason kids love "imports" (they're all made in the US now) is because they're more dependable than any American car from the Big 3, they're not very expensive, and they get great gas mileage. You have that whole package plus you can make them pretty fast by adding turbos and all that, all the while keeping it street legal and able to pass smog. What's not to like about that? These kids aren't worried about resale value twenty years from now, they're worried about having a good time right now. These guys aren't any different than classic car guys. They're just more high-tech, modern day gear heads, that's it. The only reason the old guys don't like it is the same reason most retired people don't like computers, they're scared of them and aren't willing to adapt.
I disagree with you on this one, you see I was there 15-20 years ago talking about these cars....and we knew these cars would be classics, even though I sold a 71 maverick with 34,000 miles for $300.
Points well-taken, but I'd still bet anyone a dollar to a doughnut that a 25 year-old Civic or similar car will never get anyone's heart racing the way that a classic American muscle car or hot rod does when you see one. Oh, and I've wasted my share of 280-Zs in my Maverick...
T.L. I am sure you have and all I was trying to do was to make the point that people all have different tastes and opinions are a dime a dozen. All that I said was to respect the work and effort that someone who has a classic import (a true classic) has put into their car. Wouldn't you expect someone to do the same for you?
alot to learn! i grew up always "liking" muscle cars but i took a liking even more to ford cars and trucks and not because my dad liked them because he likes anything that runs good ...i guess so do i. but, when i turned 15 i was at my dads friends house and covered in a barn was a 1972 maverick grabber( or what was left of it) that had caught on fire while they were trying to restore it. and i'll say it,,, it had 10 year old masking tape on all my stainless and aluminum and chrome! but i tell dad i want that car! his friend said 100 bucks and you can have it....so i went to work at 15 for winn-dixie working on weekends and saved enough money in like 3 or 4 weeks and got it with tow bill also learning alot about my maverick and cars from my dad being he was a meachanic for 20 years or so. flash forward to now.. i'm 18, my mavericks still not completey done(or i guess will never be) and i still don't know everything, even though i've learned so much from my dad, cars, other people, trial-by-error(alot) andf this board i still don't even consider that alot of info. i'll tell ya all my friends are into imports, but they love the mav i wouldn't have it any other way, they also don't know much about anything about cars and it's frustrating to explain to them what displacement is or a "hog's head" lol. i guess back in the day i had to learn to but it was easier. at car shows i open my ears and shut my mouth. and listen to the older people some of it's true and some not. we all know! but i'll say i have alot more older friends than younger ones, because i like the older people better, thats why myself, corbin , and a few other are in here we all love mavericks, and love to learn alot. but the one last thing is............... rice loving people buy a turbo, but we know how they work! lol thanks
Where in S.W. Va. Z-ratedmav What city in southwest Va.are you located in? Im in the center bottom of the state myself. 30 miles East of Danville. Later Tim"my comet gt "
south west virginia I'm actually in Roanoke. about 35 to 40 mins from you i think. maybe closer. later.
Why would a future classic sell for only $300 SlowComet? Perhaps the rest of the world did not share your clairevoyance? I agree with Craig 100%. When I went to Hershey in the 80s, they thought of all sixties cars as just used cars. Now, musclecars command prices up to $100,000, and the best Model A's go for about ten grand. Their audience is dying and boomers want muscle. There is a VERY good chance that these ricers will have a market 25 years from now. Hell, ABBA and bell bottoms came back, and THEY have no redeeming value....
Good insight MaxPower. Funny thing now....Old Model T's and A's, etc are going down in value. The people that collected them are dying off, and the ones that do sell are being turned into Hot Rods and Street Rods. Heck, a fully restored to factory spec's 1932 Roadster is worth less than a 1932 Roadster Street Rod.
Well, none of us really know...it's all speculation, and I speculate that old ricers won't be worth squat, except for high-end models like the 300Z, NSX, and similar class models. Guess we'll find out 20 years from now. Talk to ya in 2023...