Thanks for clearing that up, sometimes because of how the posts come out it might appear that someone is directing some comment at another person. About my mav, I am in the process of getting my digital camera up and running so I can take some pics. Where in Colorado are you located? Do you drive your mav in the snow or is it strictly a spring/summer car? Thanks for you interest. Jeri*
I live in Southern Colorado in the Pike's Peak area. My Maverick is driven strictly during the warm months of the year and parked the rest of the time, however it was my main year-round transportation up until 1994 and was subjected to all kinds of weather. Glad I don't have to put it through that abuse now...
Mavaholic its mommy and daddy paying for insurance and gas and random money give aways. Excessive allowances (? spelling) and sometimes they even have jobs. Keep in mind none of the ricers at my school have anything more extreme than a header, and they didn't even put it on most of the time.
Sweet thread If the young women and men who drive and race imports, had a web site 1/2 has good as this one, they too could learn "how too" and also "save money". They could build cars from the experience of other to help them along as we do now. We sometimes take for granted how well we have it, if one of the members here as a problem all he or she needs to do is ASK... and 99.9% of the time another member has the answer. Can you tell me do these kids have a web site with the kind of experience that we have here? I was asked to help a fellow church member this past weekend with a problem that happening all over this great country of ours, STREET RACING. He put on a "DO IT AT THE TRACK" cruise in at the church parking lot, with a portable tree and as many drag cars and racers as he could get. All the racers were asked to bring trophies and anything else that could make these young people think about how nice it could be to race at the track. Local track owner gave free admission for a street wars night and other prizes. The turn out was fair and some of the import racers were there, but not as many as we would have liked. No matter how we feel about imports these kids belong to a brother or sister or neighbors of ours. They are Americans and as I said in my last post "it's thier time" How sweet it would be to be young again.
Thank you bossmav for your comments. Just because my fiance happens to have two nissans they do have websites for them, and surprising enough those sites do encourage the kids to do things for themselves. Although I would have to say that the Nissan crowd is a different kind of import. They too hate the hondas and the attitudes that come with them. Unfortuantely all imports always get grouped together. Let's all try not to judge the book by it's cover, would we really want to turn someone away from their love of cars just because of their preference in car? Jeri*
The kid obviously doesn't know what hes talking about. But about the imports. I don't dislike all imports, mostly hondas. If you put enough money into anything it will go fast plain and simple. Theres nothing further than a racing car than a Honda Civic if u ask me. I myself on the other hand do drive a Mustang 3.8 v6 and believe it or not it is capable of beeting a maverick 302. I don't know how much was done to the kids car or how much was done to your car. My dad has a maverick and before he swapped the 302 withthe 460 he ran the 302 int the 1/4 and ran a 16 with good traction. Now my little 3.8 V6 runs 15.5's. And i smoke stock 289 mustangs like nothing. So I wouldn't talk to much about your 302 taking out mustang V6's unless you have some mods on it.
No offense! no offense but your dad doesn't know how to drive. so what the 302 ran 16 in 1/4 , maybe it was a late model 302 like say 76 or so, they were detuned and had emissions on them. with my 1972 maverick grabber w/ 302 with a 4bbl, and intake pulled off a 14.2 in 1/4 with "good traction" i think his reaction time was slow that would account for the "lengthly time" on the track. or maybe this, maybe he had the airplane gears in it. ya know the 2.75 i think. that would also account. as for the 302 beating the 3.8v-6, yup i have a first hand experience beating one at a stoplight and on the track, we had within .002 reaction time from each other and i still ended up losing him at finish line. we never said anything about the 289 mustangs being extremely fast . i have raced them too and they just aren't a 302. even though you have a ford mustang, you are an import at heart. just my .02 sorry to rant. ~Dan~
Zrated mav, Uhm from reading your post I have a few questions: 1. Is your 302 stock except for the 4bbl and intake? 2. What gears are you running? 3. At what altitude are you at? 4. What were your 60ft times? 5. Do you have traction bars or some sort of other traction device (torque converter, etc.)? 6. Auto or manual tranny? I ask because I have a fairly moded 73 302 with intake, exhaust, 4bbl carb and to be quite frank your numbers seem a little low? Please don't take this as an insult just wanting to know what you have done. Thanks Jeri*
Big Deal I'm sure you would beat My 1975 Comet(smog years).... but is has 128HP stock and 2.75 gears so Its not anything to be proud of. also for what is would take $ wise to get your mustang into the 14's a Comet or Maverick 302 would be running 11's. One more thing, Mavericks and Comets are going up in value not down in value like your V6 Mustang.
Well put slowcomet, the fact of the matter is yes a new V6 MIGHT be able to beat an old V8 but you have to take into account: 1) The price difference 2) The drivetrain differences 3) The potential HP of a 302 with some modern parts. (I'd like to see one of those v6's reach 400+ hp) whereas in one magazine I read an article on how to make your 5.0 make 400+ ON A BUDGET I think you get the point, but that's just my opinion.
regarding questions jerilyn, to be honest in my rant i left out a few "little" details, if you will excuse me. i didnt mean to just say intake and carb, here are the answers to your questions. i cheated alittle bit, left out a few things. but i promise not that much. gears: currie enterprises aluminum 8" w/ 3.55 ring & pinion limited slip diff. altitude: 1,200 ft or so above sea level. maybe slightly more. on a 60 degree day w/ 35% humidity. 60ft times: low 2 second to sub 2 second depending on me. i also have a c-4 with tightened bands and a shift-kit. and yea, yea a b&m holeshot converter w/ 2400 stall. i can actually bust off a high 13 sec 1/4. but the 302 is pretty much stock except for the 4bbl, carb and aluminum intake and k&n air breather. oh yea and i'm running 3" flowmaster 2 chamber exhaust all the way back into a turndown. no traction bars, i have never had a problem with wheel-hop. like i said pretty much stock except a few things , majorly the stall converter and the 3.55 gears but thats nothing!!!! he didn't say anything about his gears in the v-6, or anything else. i'm just saying hes not comparing apples to apples if you know what i mean. thanks. ~Dan~
Thanks for the clarification Zrated Mav. We pretty much have the same set up except I have MSD ignition, elect. distributor, and MSD coil. However I still have crappy gears and no stall conveter. I am lucky to run 16.9 in the 1/4 but to my defense I am also at almost 3000 above sea level. Congrats on your mav. I plan to put the 3.55's on mine soon. Jeri*
ok here it is. the 3.8 was completly stock i have a 71 grabber but the motor isnt stock. the motor is a 1970 302 out of a mustang. the motor has been rebuilt less 500 miles on the engine. and from what ive read on the net those 302's put out 210 stock. plus i have headers and im using cherrybombs right now. plus an intake and a 650 cfm carb. plus a completly rebuilt ford fairlane 3 spd manual tranny. and yet ive told him all of this and he still says he'll beat me.
ahh it's cool ya know it kinda stinks that high altitude means thiner air and not as much oxygen....that day i ran 5 runs up the track, the 1st 2 i ran with no mods, before the 3rd time i iced the intake, and took off the air cleaner assembly. still stuck at 14 sec. 4th time i did all that plus put on some mickey thompson d.o.t. slicks and skinny's up front and it busted off a high 13. pretty soon however i will have the 347 kit from coast high, twisted wedge heads, and a good cam. i'll then swing by fishers and get it balanced and blueprinted, and upgrade to a series 6 msd ignition and probably try the pertronix ignitor (i've heard great things from it) and a t-56 6 speed i'll convert the 3.55 to 4.11 or so. an hope to pull off an 11 sec run. it's been probably close to a year since i raced it, i trailered it last time to the strip. but around here all we have is 1/8th mile tracks and they are a farmer brown setup. with an old dirt road and broken wood bleachers. lol. ok talk to you later. ~Dan~