Well I say I say that if you spend 20- 30,ooo dollars on a vehicle and then another 5-10 or so thousand more to supposedly make it fast, then I would hope (for that person's sake) that he/she could hang with or beat my 302 maverick. I'm quick, but for thirty thousand dollars you should be able to beat me. Get what I'm saying? COuntry
I'd bet if you had that kind of money in your Maverick Country, it would be a cold day in you know where before a import could beat you.
Re: No offense! We'll first off my dad does know how to drive. He's been street racing since he was 15 and trust me he knows what to do. I drove the maverick when it was a 302 and it wasn't fast. There may have been something wrong with the car but trust me it wasn't the driving. I see you calling me an import as the biggest insult. I know its a V6 and yeah I know its slow but me in my little v6 can still take out my fair share of imports. I can't get a muscle car like I want because I can't afford one. I will be the first to admit that my car is slow but what is that saying about all the Honda's im beating? And like I said if you put enought money into ANYTHING then it will go fast. Take the money all the ricers put into there hondas and put them into a muscle car and they don't stand a chance. If u don't think there are any fast V6's check out http://www.v6power.net Yes there are V6 mustangs who run 11's
Amen AMEN BOSSMAV!! You give me 5,000 to $10,000 and I'll take on ANY import. You know what ten grand in add-on goodies can do? And I'm not takling about NOS either. I say that old muscle cars are waaaaaayyyyyy better, but the only muscle cars still in production (American anyways) are the Vette, Mustang, Viper, and maybe the Marauder? I probably missed one or two, but that's pretty much it. So if mom and dad have enough money for junior, he can build pretty much what he wants and call it a muscle car.(Right?) I don't know, I'm just trying to reason this out. I'm 18, have owned my maverick for 4 years, and have quite a bit of blood, sweat, tears, and dollars. I don't like imports, ricers, weedeaters,(call them what you like, I just don't care for them. That is MY OPINION) I have always liked old cars. By the time I was 7 or 8 I could name many old cars on sight, and by 10 or 11, nearly all of them. I guess maybe I just don't care one way or the other. It's their (well sorta ) money, and time, so let'em get whatever their lil' ole heart desires right? Not trying to offend anyone, and sorry if I did, I'm just stating my honest opinion. Country
Amen Country I have basically completely restored my '72 and rebuilt the 302 and added a new 4 barrel intake and used carb, 93 mustang heads and cam, bucket seats and new carpet, etc. etc. for a little over $2200 INCLUDING the initial buying price. :bananaman
Ain't bench-racing fun? Jeri; When you put the 355's in, you will be AMAZED at the difference it makes. Those new V-6s are flat quick...no doubt about it, but all it takes is a few mods to the 302 and it'll still be able to waste 'em. Zrated; are you running a stock cam also? 10 years ago, I was running 16.9s at around 5000 feet with an internally stock (and tired) 302 with 4-barrel carb, dual exhausts, stock converter, and 3.55 gears. It would have been about a full seccond quicker at sea-level. I don't know what it will run now. I'm not looking to have the fastest car around, I just want it to be a clean classic and have some good grunt to it when I mash the throttle. It'll be a happy day when I finally get it repainted. Hey Country Mav; You're pretty dang smart for an 18 year-old...
T.L. I was looking at the Summit racing site tonight and noticed that you can buy a whole new diff from them for less than $300. Is this something that I should look into? I was just gonna go to the junk yard and pull the pumpkin with the right ratios and have that installed but why not get em new if possible. Any thoughts? Thanks Jeri*
Jeri; I'd have to look at the summit catalog to see what you're referring to before I could tell you if it's a good deal or not. As far as your other statement; You'd be hard pressed to find any 3.55s in a junk yard for a 8-inch rearend these days. Some of the V-6 Mustang-IIs had 3.40 and 3.55 gears in them and some were Traction-Lok units (posi), and all you need is the center section or "pumpkin". Don't forget th replace the plastic speedo-drive gear in the transmission with the proper one for those gears. But sure, new is better. The unit I got was abused pretty badly by the previous owner and had a couple of chipped teeth and way too much backlash....basically needing to be rebuilt. One shop quoted me $500 to rebuild it. The previous owners DID at least replace the clutch packs in it, so the Trac-Lok worked real well. Just some things to think about...
new units jerilyn, you can get a hole new "pumpkin" from currie enterprises it's called the aluminum 8" third member and will except any gear ratios. it's only $369.00 and is much stronger than a standard 8" hog's head. and weighs about 11 lbs i believe. it is capable of withstanding high amounts of horsepower due to the extra ribbing. check em out http://currieenterprises.com
Does that come with gears and fully set-up?? If so, it might be the way for me to go as well. If not, I wonder how much more it's gonna cost her for the gears and installation/set-up... :confused:
Yeah, so the entire setup would be pretty costly. I paid $150 for my used third member out of a '74 Mustang-II...I got what I paid for, but at least it's rebuildable. Amazing how many times the topic has changed on this thread...