Look at how wide the front wheel track is in Post 14! It does say 427 on the scoop .... I almost don't doubt that means Cammer. Cool other stuff too. There was a guy trying to sell a Pinto funny car at the Nostalgia Drags at Bradenton FL. He was asking $6K for the complete car minus engine and trans. And this chassis was close to 1970s style too, with some proper upgrades to keep safe. I kept looking at it, thinking a nasty big block with a tunnel ram and zoomies would be THE way to go Super Pro bracket racing. Too much fun .....
Was telling a guy at work about my Comet and wasn't sure if he even knew what one looked like. Surprised me when he pulled this Maverick up on his IPad. Said he used to run it with his brother at Cecil County MD back in the day. 427cu, 3 speed with 9" rear. Sold the car long ago but still has the motor....