Boy, Craig, you got that right. As some of you know, about 11 years ago I went to law school and became an attorney. After a few years working for a firm doing veteran's law, where I traveled for hearings in 14 states and D.C., I opened my own practice concentrating more on family law. I morphed my practice into primarily child custody and representing children as a Guardian ad Litem, where I investigate parental fitness and misconduct. I'm happy to say that the types of law practice that have essentially found me have been very rewarding. I take a lot of pride in getting veterans the benefits they deserve but have been denied, and getting children into the home of the parent or relative that will keep them safe, secure, and give them the best chance of a decent start in life. But I have to say, it takes up WAY more time than I ever imagined. First, it took time to build my practice, and now I have more work than I can handle, even with two full-time assistants. I recently acquired a wrecked 2002 Mustang GT with a good-running 4.6L V8 and automatic transmission. I have talked to Jack and he thinks he can make some modifications to his prior sub-frame and shoehorn it all in. That might enable it to retain air conditioning and thus be more drivable. Then later, I can upgrade to a supercharged Cobra 4.6L. My dual goals are to take it on the Hot Rod Power Tour and run at least 150mph in the standing mile, with a goal of 200mph in the distant future. It's been a while since I talked to Jack, so maybe if he has some room this winter, I could trailer everything up to him and have him re-start on it. I'd like to get it self-motivational this year. As to that life thing again, now I'm running for Family Court Judge in Wood County, West Virginia! But I still want to move forward with this project as soon as I can. And when I do, I'll post updates. Thanks to everyone for all their interest and comments. And Happy Holidays!