It DOES look like one right now with those big-ass exposed front tires, doesn't it? It would sure save alot of finishing work if I went that way, huh? Ha, ha, ha! Thanks Jack!
They are Grabber tires. See the pics in my first post on this thread. Once I saw them, I HAD to have them on a Maverick "Grabber."
I finally found that. According to Tire Rack, they do make them in smaller sizes. I wonder if the column "Country of Origin" designates where the tire sizes are available.
I had just searched again too. I'm going to compare the dimensions of some 18-inchers with the 20's on it now and see what kind of difference it will make. I HATE the thought of buying another pair of those expensive wheels and tires though. But the fronts ARE a bit too big... Thanks for the tip.
SupperGrabber Here are the latest progress pics. Jack has now hung the front fenders and finished up a couple other little things that were remaining. We're discussing smaller front wheels and tires and him radiusing the front fender openings for me. I'll keep everyone posted.