My Spidey Senses are on edge..:16suspect making me wonder about all those parts that are gonna be produced too....:16suspect
Oh I promiss to share this awsome feet with all of you,,,,, But it wouldnt be fair to all those who are not home from work yet,,, If the Interest is there I will share... The Top fuel guys Totally over looked this one,,, I used less gas to do this 5.5 sec then my weed wacker uses,,,, and I am gonna lay it all out on the line for every one,, See that,,, No kidding,,, Lol
Why is everyone so quick to jump on the wagon? I swear since the internet everyone thinks everyone is lying. I am always of the "wait and see" group. I look forward to everything being presented then making a judgement based on that.
RC Jet plan perhaps???? He never said it was a FORD Maverick. Edit - nevermind, he did say it was a car.....
Gas/ Electric Drag Racer? how fast do those go? Saw a show about that one time, but I don't think times were that low.
Ok,,,,,,, should I tell you all now,,,, or should we give time for every one else to chime in on this awsome thing,,,?
I think you are the closest. He put a "weedeatersworth" of Gas in a Maverick and put two D cell bateries in the dash tray (hence the hybrid coment) and pushed it off a cliff from a quarter mile up and it hit the bottom in 5.5 seconds. LOL But seriously I am interested in his story if he would ever quit acting like my 10 year old kid and spit it out.... I've seen molasses go uphill in January faster that the time it takes him to tell a story, hahaha
Actually, Some people have already gone away for the weekend and wouldnt be able to check your thread until Monday or Tuesday. It really wouldnt be fair to them if you shared this awesome feat before then. Come to think of it, many Maverick/comet owners arent members at this site. You should definitely wait until every Maverick/Comet owner joins and is online and paying attention. This is imortant news we all need to hear, and nobody should be left out.