That looks great. Seen quite a few of those paints and usually dont care for them as they tend to have a lot of brown tone. Yours really pops though. Must have been expensive product. Some of these paint prices are getting crazy. WE had one at work that GM sent over to be painted. Just a door handle. Problem was that the paint was 800 bucks a pint. I think the color was called Sharkskin. Cadillac I think. Special order as needed. Something about a dye they use that is regulated. Used in money making. (printing)
Looks great Scott! Did a great job on the tail lights too! Can't wait to see it all together. Would have been great if it had been ready for this Silver Springs show. Oh well...I say you're gonna be ready for it next year anyway. Right? :16suspect Sent ya a pm. Call me if you get a chance while I'm in the Tampa area.
it would look wicked nice if you had a fiberglass custom air breather cover painted the same.... but it's cool. I always wanted to see what a comet/maverick would look like with the chameleon, but I'm a traditionalist.. lol. looks good though.