Beautiful job on that paint...Talk about a "Comet" Thats gonna be a gorgeous ride when you button it all up.Tell me about those hood latches you are useing there.I want em!!
Here is where I got them. There kinda expensive but I wanted a clean look. There supposed to be bolted on but I used panel adhesive to glue them in and then fiberglassed them to the fiberglass hood.
Looks awesome!! I should be in New Port Richey in a few weeks, I hope the weather is good. I should be able to see the glare off your paint job for miles!
MAN. I spent so much time going over the photos again and again Thur. that I just realized I didn't even leave a reply. THAT IS OUTRAGEOUSLY NICE!!!! Those wheels are a nice pic also. It all just goes together like it was meant to be that way from the factory. Look forward to seeing it on the road.
Car looks great! Every time I see another car with those taillights it makes me want to do that same to my car.