Can't wait! Was trying to get the 2.3 swap done in the '72 in time to have it there, but not going to happen. I'll have the car there, but with the 200 still in it.
im sititng here with a car with no glass in it and a pile of parts maybe i can construct them in a use full way
I'm going to miss seeing all ya'll next weekend. Freight has been slow and cheap, so the money just ain't there right now, having to stay local. Hopefully things will turn around before the fall get together and we can get back over that way....and maybe the car will look different by then,too!
I was there. You guys that didn't make it really missed out. what a great group. i really enjoyed the whole day. Even the food and the meeting room at Denny's, go figure. The most fun i've had since the Silver Springs Ford & Mustang meet. The most Mavericks seen in one place since then too. Jamie was a little guiet which from what i heard was a bit unusual. If you are in to airplanes, The Museum was very interesting and a must see. We ate,we cruised,we saw, we ate again,we were seen, we ate again, and we left. I'd advise you to make it next year. You have no idea what you missed. I won't miss it. Let me know if you guy's plan to meet anywhere else this year.
Well, I was running on about 2 1/2 hours worth of sleep. So I was tired, and in some instances, there just wasn't much to be said!