The "Mighty Mav" goes out with a bang.

Discussion in 'Drag Racing' started by Old Guy, Jul 5, 2006.

  1. Old Guy

    Old Guy Member

    Mar 9, 2002
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    Thanks Andy, we are just waiting for some valves and a new JW flexplate for the glide. can't use the old one on the new motor because it is nuetral balanced and the old one was external balance. Just a matter of dropping it back in and fine tuning again. The heat at the track is starting to take it's toll on everyone, may even sit out some this half???? Saturday nights are not bad, wish Wayne and Patty would run that program on Friday and brackets on Saturday night???? May try Memphis again this year depending on heat factor there too. Aug. 18-20th.
  2. Old Guy

    Old Guy Member

    Mar 9, 2002
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    Thanks Seth, am feeling lot's better now. Still taking scans and tests to determine if any of my internal parts need removal. Racing and engines and fellow gear heads, are the best medicine for me. Got out of the hospital on a Friday and went racin on Saturday. Not real smart but just to sit in the seat and crank up the beast was an uplift. Couldn't cut a decnt light and had to rest between runs, but still was fun and wouldn't have it any other way. Did have a .500 with a 1 light a few weeks later and even cut a .506 last week with a 8.90 on a 8.89 dial in. Then lost a cylinder next round and have not had a chance to look into it with the Mav being priority now. Never give up, now matter how bad things look. Good motto to live by, I found out..
  3. Andysutt

    Andysutt '72 Comet GT

    Dec 30, 2002
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    1972 Comet GT
    I agree with his motto...
    Lost damn near everything I have ever had in life this past year... but I'm still kicking, just not as much as I'd like.
    I've stayed away from drag racing mainly due to financial problems, but I still get the itch every time I hear a drag car fire up, watch a video, or even talk about it... seems to make me feel better also.
    Just let me know if you need help, know im not the best helper in the world, but I'm here for ya. Goodluck with getting everythign fixed, and kick some ass for me :)
    If you go to Memphis, let me know... I want to go up there and atleast know someone there. Id love to take the kid, but he's a bit small for that yet.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2006
  4. Dan Starnes

    Dan Starnes Original owner

    Mar 10, 2002
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    Stallion, 72 Grabber, Sprint, 77 4dr Maverick
    Dave,, that motto,, it sure keeps ya goin dont it?? I admire it.
  5. mavman

    mavman Member

    Mar 9, 2002
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    '75 Maverick, '03 super duty, '04 Mustang Vee-six!
    You know, each and every time a problem occurs, whether it be engine, trans, rear end, find a reason to "fix" that problem in another build.

    this 'spare' engine, I got the crank for the same price as the scat 9000 series crank that broke. The Eagle is a 4340, FWIW. I've never had anything (other than a Mustang SVO and my Lightning) that had a steel crank.

    The next spare engine: I am planning....and saving. I would REALLY like to upgrade the heads but at this point I don't know if it's really worth it or not. As a drag racer, we all want to go faster....but I'm a bracket racer for the most part. Going faster isn't that big of a deal....I have won races in 11 second cars as well as 7 second cars. But, I do like having a pretty quick car. It's more fun to go fast! That and I don't mind waiting at the tree and running someone down. I actually find it easier to race that way. That said, the next "spare" engine....I really have no idea where to go with it. do I leave it alone (same build as the last 2), upgrade to aftermarket block, do it as a spare (stock crank, good rods & pistons...had one with about 450 passes on it turning 6.40's) or go all out...& slowly build a GOOD engine. Dart block, canted valve heads, 13:1...yaddya yaddya...and shoot for 800 HP. Theres no reason that it's not possible....if not more (naturally aspirated). If I was heads-up racing, I'd already have put down a thousand more than that, but that stuff requires a GOOD chassis...I'm not sure this one is up to the task to that kind of speed. Who knows...

    Anyway, in all this rambling, I don't feel bad that the 415 let go. I'm surprised it lasted that long. Shift at 7000, cross the line at 7200...on a stock block, I'm REAL surprised. The one going in...I'd be surprised if the main webs don't blow out (late model block) in a few passes. It's girdled, filled, and I've done all the work I know to do to help it out, but they just never stay together forever. Hopefully it'll work long enough to get the spare built. I've got my eye on a 4" stroke 2.75" main (cleveland main) billet crank....I also found some 6.25" titanium rods, but I don't know about Ti rods....seems like Al is the same weight and more forgiving. Whichever way it goes, this one is a learning experience and hopefully the new one does ok. I hope it runs within a tenth or 2 of the 415".

    BTW, the bearings in the 415"....they never did show signs of any problems whatsoever. Even after freshening it up this winter, I could have just put the bearings back in and not worried about it one bit. They were perfect...looked as good as the day I put them in (literally). Rings were fine as well, but I had already bought the stuff and planned to use it....and besides, if I had just put the old stuff back in, it surely would have let go sooner. Thats just my luck.

    BTW, I have a couple paperweights if you guys want any. I have a rear part of a Scat 9000 series crankshaft (tail and rear counterweight only..NO rod throw in it), 2 pistons: One is OK except the top ring land is smashed good to use, the other has the pin pulled out of the bottom, and 2 broken rods, one is still on the piston with the smashed ringland. The rest has already hit the scrap metal recycler....gotta get some $$$ back on the investment, even if it's pennies on the dollar, at our budget, every little bit helps:yippee:
  6. waynes fords

    waynes fords Member

    Sep 29, 2004
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  7. riporter

    riporter Member

    Oct 4, 2003
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    70 Maverick 2 dr. modified street cruiser, 72 Comet tube chassis drag car
    I know I posted a reply to this post a week ago?!?...anywho...rather than new heads why not an SVO siamese block and take it out to a 454 ci...I don't know what kind of heads you were thinkin of but they could set you back as much if not more than a good block and rotating assembly....if mine holds up to the next freshen up I'm taking it out to a 454 and if I'm a good little boy...some Blue Thunder heads. I want low 5's on nada but motor.
  8. mavman

    mavman Member

    Mar 9, 2002
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    '75 Maverick, '03 super duty, '04 Mustang Vee-six!
    Rick, I'd love a Dart or Ford block, but $$$ is hard enough to come by to put the motor together right now. Besides, when a junkyard block is broken I don't cry too much. If I broke something and it came through the side of a $2200 block, I'd be a little mad at myself. As far as heads go, I have just a set of unported Victor Jrs now....they're pretty much maxed in the unported form and REALLY could benefit from a GOOD port job. It's either that or buy new...and new costs twice as much. It's all about $$$ spent vs. end result. I dont' mind spending a little here & there but I spend a LOT and don't gain a thing...then I don't feel so well. Besides, on the heads, right now there's nothing out there that really impresses me a whole lot. AFR makes a set of 225's that would work for what I'm doing...and should take me to about 5.70 1/8. That is plenty fast, but at a nice price tag...For almost the same change, I can get a set of used CTS Yates heads already ported and for the most part ready to go...and kick the crap out of the 225's in every aspect. For now...the Jrs will stay and so will the junkyard iron block. When this one breaks hopefully I'll have something else in the works.

    On a lighter note, I 'could' have driven the Mustang today (the backup car when the maverick's broken) but I really wanted a break. Or, should I say I NEEDED a break. I went ahead and went to the track and hung out...just socializing and letting the 'hired gun' drive the Mustang. He went to the finals and lost to another Maverick, but it would have been a great race. The Maverick had a .510 light, the Mustang had a .511...but I knew when the 'stang launched that something was just didnt sound right, and only ran a 10.44 on a 9.40 dial. Of course the Maverick won easily but both drivers split the cash. Later on I yanked a valve cover and discovered a broken Crane Energizer rocker arm....I tell ya, after having 3 of the exact same rockers break this year, I don't think I'll ever buy a set of them again. They are junk in my book. The cheapie Harland Sharp rockers lasted a LOT longer than these did...and so did the Proforms. The Proforms went with the '74 Mav when I sold it, and the HS were on my other Mustang when I sold it. I should have swapped rockers when I had the chance...But, the break from racing was a good opportunity to actually watch my Mustang and how it launches & drives. Looks like it needs a little spring preload on the RR, but it's working pretty good otherwise. Even with track temps running over 140 degrees today, it was still a reliable and consistent winner.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2006

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