yea there nice in the summer. you can just leave them open so the car doesnt become an oven lol... you could fry some eggs on that old vinyl
I myself love the little pop out windows, they are neat and different and would not want them any other way.
The quarter windows really seem to help ventilate the car while it is in motion too. I think that because they create a bump in the airflow down the side of the car, it creates a low pressure area and helps draw air out of the interior. My first Comet was non-AC, and with the vents and quarter windows open, it made Florida summers bearable as long as the car was moving. I added a 12 volt 6 inch fan under the dash to help, especially in traffic.
Likes & Dislikes L The only car that a 4 door model looks better than the bobtail, unfinished look of the 2 door. The 2 door looks like a knocked up 2 door Fiat! D It leaks rain water like a 70s model Mopar!!!!! I like to figure how to install a sump pump in the floor board. This will enlist some lively comment. Texasjack
L-400$ and it ran... L-75 so i dont have to smog it!! L-Easy to tune front end. L-Light.. D-sometimes my lights dont work. L-Easy to work on L-Rare, kinda.... D-rare, kinda, but still not worth alot! L-Gets up on the highway L-Lots of parts fit, that arnt "suposed" to fit L-cheap parts cars D-Cant get rid of parts cars L-Everyone likes em, they turn alot of heads D-not anyone likes em enough to buy em
I think I'll just copy and paste Dan's. We pretty much think alike on this one. L - Sure to turn heads at shows and cruise-ins .. since it isn't your average dime-a-dozen Mustang/Camaro ... L - Rare compared to other classic cars D - Rarity causes parts to be $$$$ ... and not much repop available D - Big Bumper cars D - 4-doors ....
L - The sentimental value D - The book value L - Guilt-free restomodding D - You almost have to "restomod" if you're going to "resto" at all. L - Young people and casual gearheads don't know it's not a "real" musclecar. D - Old people and seasoned gearheads do know it's not a "real" musclecar. L - ...But most of those guys think it's cool anyway. D - Nobody knows what kind of car it is. L - Nobody knows what kind of car it is. D - Doing anything with the spark plugs, fuses, brake light switch or wiper linkage sucks tremendously. L - Doing anything with any other part of the car is a joy. D - Factory rearend is awful because of its gears and open diff. L - Factory rearend is awesome because of its near indestructibility. D - Limited performance parts in the aftermarket L - Limitless performance parts in the junkyard. D - Headers all but prohibit using the factory column shifter. L - This will eventually force me to get a good floor shifter. D - Wind noise and random squeaks. L - My loud stereo. D - It would be very easy for a car thief to take a Maverick. L - It would be very difficult for a car thief to profit from it. D - Ford did not see fit to install power disc brakes and power steering in '71. L - A previous owner saw fit to install these things in mine. D - A previous owner saw fit to remove the Grabber hood from my car. L - A current owner saw fit to saw a hole in the hood though. D - Biggest engine you can reasonably install on a budget is a 302/351 L - Biggest engine you will reasonably need on the street is a 302/351 D - Big bumpers look awkward and out of place. L - I don't have to worry about that. D - But I do have to worry about surviving an accident. L - The rear end styling. Yeah, I actually like the taillights on a Maverick. D - Nobody on MMB seems to agree. Why can't you just forget the Pinto? L - The profile and roofline styling on the 2-door. It's dead sexy. D - The front end styling. It's missing something. I don't know what exactly, but something important. L - The Maverick caused me to join up with the best automotive forum on the Internet.
Yeah, I know ALOT. Did you hear that Plant just won 5 grammies and album of the year with Allison Krauss? BTW, nice Swan Song label avatar. lol Anyway..... D - gearhead wannabe's saying "Nice mustang" L - Swoopy rearend, even without the grabber spoiler L - Change the hood, rear deck and grille and you've got a Comet L - size, it's small, but with the right size tires..... *drool* D - No 302 until '71, when it was restricted to 210 bhp D - I have no room for more L - Head-turner L - There are multiple websites dedicated to them
L-having to tell people at least twice what kind of car that is in the picture when I show pictures at school. L-Mine was covered in duck tape. D-had to take the tape off. D-parts aren't the easiest thing in the world to find D-having to depend on mustang repops for some acceptable replacement parts L-No one else at the high school has one. L-...but I do. D-she's not ready yet L-she will be soon enough.
L not very popular L poor poeple own them (I don't have to spend a ton of money to have a cool one) D tail lights D I'm near the end D The wife won't let me make the wagon L the poeple that own them are more like me L they talk to you after you drink alot of beer D the trans tunnel is to small D the rear wheel opening should be back 1-2 inches (better visual balance)