I think BOTH cars look great! Not that it matters in this case, I've always been of the mind that the more tire to fill the wheel well, the less air is caught creating drag. My scientific contribution - which is useless...
I did a 8inch wide x15 with 4 1/4 BS on mine with 255/60R/15 (rear)and I think it looks great. It is not lowered in any way, i'll take a pic and post it when I get home. I think my front tires are the wrong choice(to small) at a 195/60R/15. Just bolted everything on yesterday.
would you also be able to take a picture of the space between the leaf springs and the tire for clearance?
You're at the other extreme. The front tires are so short, it makes the car look like a "gasser". It's just tires, so don't take that as a criticism of your car.
And that would be why I said I maid the wrong choice as in to small, thinking of a 205 or 235 for the front.
Your car looks damn good, even with those tires. I just don't prefer tires so tall. In fact I'm amazed that the fronts don't rub. I've had 225/60-15s on 15x7" Torque Thrusts with 3-3/4" backspacing rub the fender lip on my car. I've also had a slight scrub on the inside when turning lock to lock with 235/60-14s on 14x7" Magnums with 4-1/4" backspacing, and that was before the front was lowered. That never really bothered me though. In any case, a 28-inch rear tire will throw off your speedometer accuracy. I doubt that applies in your case, because you probably have put different gears in the rear and have re-calibrated the speedo to compensate anyway.
Right. I was just pointing out that my criticism of tall tires does not mean that I like real short tires either.
I hear you. I like big diameter stuff that fills the openings. Not sure on wheel backspacing but I have 2 sets and I believe this set on car now is the full size Torino bs of 4".. and others for this car are closer to 3.25" bs. I do admit to not liking having so much rubber with too little wheel.. but this is what I have to work with for now so I'll make do. Tires are pretty old though and car will be pretty fast.. not sure if I can justify racing around with my boys in the car on old discontinued rubber just for the sake of saving money. I may be crazy as you rightfully pointed out.. but I'm not stupid.
where do you guys find good tires larger tires that are not too expensive? I want to get around 245/60/15 for the rear but the only brands i find online are bf Goodrich or Cooper Cobra. Are they the only brands that make those? Id like to not spend over $100 per tire since I drive my car a lot.
I don't think you can use the words.. "good" and "not too expensive" in the same sentence anymore. Plus, 15's are the new 14's and sizes are much more limited than ever before when it comes to classic sporty style white letter radials. Many are still being made in mileage style taller aspect ratios and for the sport compact market but they are now getting shorter/smaller aspect ratios because more are migrating towards the tuner car look. The tire rack is the largest warehouse tire distributor in the world and their website may not always give you the best pricing.. but at least it helps narrow your search and figure out who makes what and in what sizes. http://www.tirerack.com/tires/sizes/results.jsp?diameter=15
yeah when i wrote that I meant not the off brand sketchy chinese tires. some tire stores have good deals for tires like opposed to a tire kingdom, discount tire will have the same brand for a quarter of the cost. Found some cooper cobras 235/60/15 for 80 bucks per tire at sears so ill probably just get that.
just keep in mind that many of the big tire chains also get their tires from the tire rack too. Probably one of the reasons they're considered to bethe largest warehouse in the world. lol
Oh yeah sorry i was talking about the good and inexpensive part, not tire rack lol I checked out that site and its pretty useful thanks!