All Maverick & Comet tanks are off center the same amount. Even doing the Mustang swap will not center the tank, but it is better. Plus moving the pick up to the front is what gives you the most clearance.
For the rear tips, you can go onto Mustang sites (1988ish-'94) and see if anyone has any LX tips for sale. You should be able to get those at a very reasonable price ($15-$20). If this is your daily driver, you'll hate yourself if you have your exhaust turn down before the rear axle ('been there). I'll bet you are going to spend at least another $100 to have them go over the axle and exit at the rear so be prepared for that (but it's worth it). re: glass packs :thumbs down icon goes here: 2-1/4" exhaust with an "X" Pipe and 3-chamber Blow Blasters (Flow Masters) make a VERY good sound (IMO - everyone seems to be bashing the Flow Masters lately, but to me, they're the best sounding overall - no rattle can sound like some - especially with the "X" pipe). Of course this is all my own personal opinion. Money DOES by happiness sometimes.
This is not, at all, a daily driver. This is in the garage, driven on cool afternoons with the windows down, and on weekends for fun, and to the track. And, I have a 35 decibel hearing loss (really, I wear hearing aids at work), so loudness is definitely NOT an issue. In fact, louder (but legal) is better. I don't have a stereo, because the drone of the engine is my "music." So, if exiting the rear is to limit noise...Not an issue. Especially if it will cost an extra $100. I really like the look of the drag car with the 3" pipe coming out just in front of the tire, or behind the door. If at all possible, that is what I want. By the way Rick, your avitar has the pipes exiting in front of the that just a coincidence, or what?
Ha! Mine is a strip-only ride and although the pipes exit before the rear tires, they don't stick out the sides. (btw, those are Dynomax Bullets) Ha! My 60 foots will be rather slow but, given enough room, top speed should be around mach.
Scooper, let an Alabama redneck come to your rescue....... I like the sound of the glasspacks myself better than the newer style of mufflers. I have them on my 84 4x4, 351 W,headers, 2 1/2" out the back corners. Its not too loud unless you really mash on it, then it has a smooth sound none of the newer mufflers have. A lot of the guys are going to disagree with me on this, but thats ok. I do agree to run them out the back, pipes that stop under the car tend to have a droneing sound in the interior that gets old after a while. I had a set of the turbo style mufflers on the truck for a while, couldn't hardly hear the darn thing run, TOO QUIET!!! Go ahead, be different, be a MAVERICK, put them glasspacks on!!!
I really like the look of Rick's tucked and simple look. Exiting from the front of the tire. Is that "strip only" because it is illegal for the road, or just uncomfortable for the road. I like the single big pipe coming out at an angle just in front of tire, but nothing too flashy.
Hey do head work, don't you? Would you have any use for the stock heads I just took off? I could drop them off on the way to Dayton next trip...
Take them over the axles and all the way to the back of the car. Anything short of that will drone and reviberate inside the car and will drive you many on here have said. Been there.......done that.
Scooper over the back axle with flows sounds good, only thing I want to know is...WHAT YA GONA DO WITH THEM THERE SIDE PIPES??? if you sell them keep me in mind...
Yellow, I have a kid in the neighborhood who is building a mav in his backyard, and I asked him if he wanted them. He always liked them on my car, but his response was not completely convincing to me (I think he burned all his money on the engine rebuild). I basically said I would leave them in the garage for a week or so, then attic them while I try to sell them online. Are you interested? Shipping might be a bit, but I won't ask much for them, so it should still be a good deal.
It's strip-only because the exhaust outlet must exit passed the passenger compartment and these certainly exit short of that. Shhhhh... that's where I hide it. "No, honey. I can't go riding bikes with you, somebody stole mine. You go on ahead without me. "
Sidepipes are pretty much glasspacks anyway, aren't they? Bigger perhaps. I know when I had glasspacks exiting in front of the rear tire, it was fun for a while, but got really obnoxious. I replaced the glasspacks with my 40 series Flows, and it was alot quieter, but is still very loud when you're on it. My pipes exit basically where sidepipes do, maybe you could do this. It only cost me $40 (with my own glasspacks) to get done.
Glass-packs are okay, but they don't last long. Also, 2-1/2" pipes are overkill for a smallblock Ford (unless it's a race-prepped engine). By the way guys, it's not about "backpressure", it's about velocity. No engine needs backpressure. At lower RPMs, larger pipes reduce velocity which in turn causes loss of power & torque (makes the engine sluggish). At high RPMS, you need all the flow you can get, so it's not an issue. I suggest 2-1/4" pipes---especially since there is minimal clearance back there. You could of course run the tailpipes (as discussed in other exhaust threads here) on the outside of the leafsprings with turn-downs. I also recomend the Flo Pro V-force mufflers I got this last summer. They are a modified Flowmaster 40-series. They have less ressonance, and are supposed to flow even better than the Flowmaster. They sound pretty good too. Glasspacks will work if you really want them--definitely cheaper, just don't last as long...