Mine dump right in front of the rear axle. I like it. Although this is not a daily driver. Currently running 2 1/2" stright to flow 40's (no crossover). Got a quote on an X pipe today ($140) so I am thinking of that. But I agree, for a daily driver mine would be too loud.
Matt--That is EXACTLY what I want. Do you think I could clear those bolt-on slapper bars? I took the rear off and the slappers, and put on shorter shackles today (3") to drop the rear end back down, since I don't need the extra clearance to keep my side pipes from dragging. While under there, I noticed that I may have to come in at a bit of an angle to clear the bars. Shouldn't be a problem. What size pipe is coming out there? I am thinking of going 2-1/2 all the way. Would it look good with some kind of chrome tip, or should I just have the muffler guy cut an angle on it (similar to the side pipe tip)? Anyway, the wife and I are heading out right now to look at tips. She makes most of the non-technical decisions with this car...she has the right to, I guess...it was HER great-grandmother's car
By the way, I really like the sound of the open headers, so I will be putting in muffler cut-outs between the headers and glasspaks. Anyone on here done that? How well does it work? It seems that at least some of the air will still go through the mufflers, because you don't cut the flow off in that direction, but just open a big hole in the side of the pipe.
I was wondering if that little angled off cavity would have any negative effect on my performance when capped off. But then, I figured that when I am on the street, I wouldn't worry so much. Then at the track, I would have them uncapped, and it wouldn't be an issue. The wife and I went out and looked at chrome tips, nothing looked like it would go good. Then looked at some truck magazines and it looks like just cutting the tip at an angle is the best bet. I am seriously leaning toward what Matt has. I like that look and, being hard of hearing, I don't mind, and would actually like to have a little extra noise. If I don't have the noise, I would feel inclined to install a stereo, and lose the ambience of the motor and road. Actually, I put Flows on my Hemi Dodge 1500, and it is pretty loud. The main problem is that everyone who gets in wants to go to sleep. It has a nice deep drone that sort of hypnotizes everyone in the car. There have been many, many times that I have been driving and just had to pull over and tell the wife to drive, while I curled up in the back seat and napped. I keep a pillow under the back seat for just such occassions...
I dunno Scoop, do they bolt on to the front spring-eye like a cal-track? My exhaust does cross under the front of the leaf spring, and the leaf hits the exhaust when I jack the car up by the frame rail. I will snap a pic of it for you.
scooper, i had a set of dumps on a 396ci. once. i made them out of black iron water pipe with a cap. the cap had two bolts welded on to make a .."knock off". keep it on the pavement with them open..don't ask how i know. ..frank...
No offense to you Scoop, but slappers are also "ghetto" (right up there with air-shocks & sidepipes). Mavericks don't need them because of the staggered shocks. I have never had a problem with wheel-hop, and Larry, who has a much more powerful engine than I do, never has either. If you're racing and need more control of axel wind-up, Cal Tracs are the way to go...
mine go diagonllay out the back end... tucked up inside next to the gas tank... they go over the axle and come out at the corners where the quarter panel and rocker panel meet... no tips... since they are tucked up.. but i can add a tip later if i want to... just didnt have the money at the time as a fact... i like the look from that black car with the pipes coming out straight out... i would like that look on my car...
Yaaaay!!! One of my biggest pet peeves is peoples insistance that you need the right amount of backpressure for your rig to run right. Especially the other two exhaust guys at my shop. Worst part is they've both been doing this for about a million years. T.L. is correct here folks. Backpressure bad, velocity good.
TL I put those slapper's on when I first started taking the car to the track. I have had wheel hop on other cars, and did not know that the Maverick was set up in a way that this would not happen. I guess I could always run without them and try it out. Would the spool affect the hop at all. I never really figured out what caused that hop anyway. Any insight?
I found Cal Tracs on Google search, but cannot find them in Jeg's Catalog online. The setup looks like it would still interfere with exhuast exiting in front of the tire in the same areas as the bolt-on Lakewood style, the length of the spring forward. Can someone either give a picture or part number from Jegs or Summitt so I can see what I am working with. Also, if I don't need the Lakewood style bars, what would the Cal Trac do differently that would make them such a coveted item with Maverick racers?