I use a tow bar with tow tabs and tow hubs. Tow tabs stay mounted to the frame or bumper with the use of quick disconnect pins. Tow hubs free spin and mount to rear drums, then your wheel bolts to hub so you do not have to remove driveshaft. Tow bar stores nicely Down side is once you get to the track or destination, you will have to unbolt your wheels and hubs, put wheels back on and your all set. Not that big of a deal thou.
Tranny needs lubed, drive shaft spinning will not lube, manual trannys (bottom cluster gear splashes gear oil, that gear is spun through the clutch pilot shaft) Automatics need the torque converter spinning to drive pump and lube it. They do make a quick disconnect for drive shaft. You can find it in the RV places. I've seen many tow dollies used, seems to work if you do it correctly! Depending on what your towing needs are,, I would either rent (local, per day use is cheapest flat rate) borrow or buy a trailer! Trailer an dolly close on rental, if towing often, you'll like the trailer mucho, moocho, tons(o) Betteryo
towing with the rear on the dollies creates a weight balance issue.....it IS NOT SAFE TO TOW THESE CARS ON A CAR DOLLIE BY THE REAR WHEELS!!!! PERIOD PERIOD!
well, i'm convinced. i will have to keep looking for the right trailer at the right price. i appreciate the info. i knew someone on here could answer this question. i wish i had a friend with a reliable trailer. the only one i know has mobile home axle under it and i am told it is unsafe and illegal to pull across the state line. last trip he burned up 2 hubs. not gonna risk my car on it. MAVERICK5946--- i am looking to get the mav to the mcg gathering this year. is this a member only event or can outsiders attend? it would be a blast to see some really fast mavs run the track. my girls have never seen a live dragrace. i don't think mine is fast enough to be competetive yet since i haven't gotten the rear gears changed yet. some day
Jason, you do not have to be a member to attend the GATHERING. There is no such thing as a "outsider"....just one big happy Maverick Comet Group! Come on up, join the fun. It will definitely be worth the trip! If there is anything I can help with let me know. Thanks PS, A car dollie will work, just take extra caution and do it right. The crazy cannuk dollied his car from New Mexico to Kentucky to Canada a couple years ago. It can be done safely...but you got to be smart.
Before I had any money for a car trailer I bought a car dolley from U-haul. It was used. I pulled econoboxes to full size pickups on it. I always put the front wheels on the dolley. One time I loaned it to a so called friend so he could take a demo car to the fair. It came back in 2 pieces. I welded it back together and it still worked fine. The only tip I would have is just be careful in towing anything. Last year I bought a Maverick a good distance away. I didnt want to take my enclosed trailer to pick it up ( lots of narrow and winding roads) so I went to U-haul to rent. They had a tow dolley, I elected to rent the standard car trailer. In my opinion a full size car trailer is just easier to deal with. Dan
I guess it was when I pulled a Maverick with my 86' F-150. I was not on the interstate but a few miles. I towed it backwards (cause it was just about 50 mile trip) easier than drive shaft removing and that thing was all over the place. Maybe it was just me and my inexperience at the time with pulling something, but I won't do that again. *again, I am sure it is easier/safer with the front wheels up....Ron Perrier did with no problem and I am sure I could do it better now since I have about 12 years of pulling a trailer under by belt.
Wrong, wrong, wrong. I've seen far more unbalanced (weight wise) cars pulled on trailers than on tow dollies. Nothing wrong with towing one backwards. And I've driven truck professionally for thirty years.
I'd almost bet he used a fixed rig which would cause the problems he was having. If so reread post #15.
With due resect to everyone's experience/opinion, no matter how you tow, as John said, you have to be smart about it. You can't just hookup and go. Anyone that's had a trailer try to pass them knows it's not a warm and fuzzy feeling. Looks like we have a 50/50 concensus on this subject. Just be safe however you do it.
It was many years ago and I am not sure what type pf dollie it was.....All I know is what I experienced Each and everyone I am sure has an experience good/bad in doing so....I just stated mine. Wrong, wrong, wrong. I've seen far more unbalanced (weight wise) cars pulled on trailers than on tow dollies. Nothing wrong with towing one backwards. And I've driven truck professionally for thirty years. I am definitely not a professional truck driver but an unbalanced trailer is due to NOT BEING SMART which is what I stated earlier To each there own and everyone can do what they want, I was just adding my experience and as I said and I stick by it. I WOULD NOT PULL A MAVERICK BACKWARDS ON A CAR DOLLIE! PERIOD PERIOD