Back when it came time for me to choose my steel fuel line and linkage kit for my carbs, from what I was reading and what others were recomending at that time, I chose to run my carbs sideways. Isn't it an advantage to line up the primaries and secondaries with the length of the engine to make a best atempt to give more of an equal dispersment of fuel to all of the cylinders?
Probably , but my intake wont allow me to run mine sideways. My plugs have always looked like the mixture was pretty even though.
When I bought mine they where around $180.00 ( I will find the reciept. )now they are $259.95 ...
hey m.a.v. AWESOME PIC heres the set up I was looking at I wonder if the two 600's would be too much they have the 450 option as well where can I get metal fuel lines I dont want the rubber ones with chrome crap over the top. I want regular metal fuel lines either steel or aluminum just so long as its not rubber
If the Holley mounting patten isn't square, I must have 2 sets of holes in my manifold because I can mount my carbs either straight or sideways - I don't remember if I do or not
it is not. Too lazy and tired to go out and measure stuff but the difference between front/rear and side/side is about a 1/4 inch or so IIRC. You'd have multiple holes already drilled if you can simply turn the carbs like that without an adapter.
maybe one tunnel ram is different than the other? maybe different models? do they even make more than one model? maybe one is older than the other? maybe theyre exactly the same year and model but designed slightly different if you will its most likely the carb model thats making it change. I doubt they change the TR maybe your guys' carbs are different? since carbs are so varied from application to application and from year to year its very possible that two carbs can be the same model but from a different year and make of car and the parts guys computer gives him two different ones (Ive seen that with edelbrock chevy truck carbs)
I really will have to pull a carb off and look at my mounting holes on my TR - all of this talk has me curious