i have my exhaust going up and over the axle and exits out at the corners just below the rollpan.. the exhaust shop did it and i dont notice any restriction of course it probably is more restricted than a straight pipe.. but i still have plenty of power
Just gotta remark (no surprise ) There is a big difference between shop bent pipe and mandrel bent pipe. Therefore the folks knocking 3" exhaust should know that shop bent 3" pipe flows less exhaust than 2.5" mandrel bent pipe! So, if you have a shop bent 3" exhaust system, it really is not overkill. Is it? Or Would you tell someone that has a mandrel bent 2.5" system that it is overkill because it outflows a non-mandrel 3"?
So??... Uhm...it is. For most street small blocks, it definitely is overkill, however it is a misconception that a 3-inch system "flows" better. It doesn't, it's just louder, so a 2-1/2 mandrel-bent system would certainly be better than a 3-inch of either type. I thought we've already had this discussion. Size alone is not what creates "flow". Most guys who run 3-inch systems on engines with the horsepower rating mentioned, are doing so to compensate for having a small....well nevermind...
I know that a 3" pipe would be best on a strong stroked well built 347 type or big block motor. We are talking 300+ maybe with considerable add ons. I agree it is overkill to the max. Would sound good, but would be robbed of it's guts... To open. J Miller how do you really feel about your exhaust guy. Experienced vet or still in training. That has a lot to do with it to. Please explain the sender unit issue to me more.
Back to my original point. 300 definitely too big, but now I think I need to look at the cam specs again to see where motor makes it's power. I'm guessing maybe 2 1/4.
i asked several mechanics and my muffler shop before making my change. with my set up they agreed that my shop bent pipes were constricting the flow. the exaust shop i go to has been around for 15 years and he runs his own rail car at the local track. NOT a green trainee. the question on the sending unit is this. on later tanks the sending unit is mounted on the driver side of the tank therefore making it very tight to get the exaust past safely. there is little room between the spring and the side of the tank. T.L-- you and i rarely agree and this is another instance. we'll leave it at that. there are ways of stateing you're point without being rude, juvenile,or insulting!
Here's what we have on Tammy's car and it seam to work pretty good. Shorty headers 1.5", 2.5" collector 2.5" mandrel bent tube, 1.5 H pipe, arrow chamber mufflers. Her car dynoed at 300 RWHP with a relitivly small cam 220 dur@.050 and .498 lift for both intake and exhaust. RPM heads 1.90/1.6 valves, airgap, and 600 carb.
sounds like a fun combo. hopefully you will get her up and running quickly. that mandrel bending makes all the difference.
It's not a matter of being rude. You challenged me and basically said that my opinion "doesn't matter". Well 'sorry, but it DOES. If anything, telling someone that their opinion "doesn't matter" is rude, so before you accuse me.... . This is nothing more than a typical case of "bigger is better (or more powerful)" mentality. Unless you are running a 500+ horsepower engine, 3-inch is of no benefit and WILL NOT "flow" better than a 2-1/2-inch system, mandrel-bent or otherwise. If you like the noise and think it looks cool, then by all means, do what you like with your car. I don't care if you agree with me or not. I'm not gonna argue this topic anymore, because some people are hell-bent on remaining ignorant about certain things...
everyone read and learn... http://www.carcraft.com/techarticles/exhaust_system_installation/index.html numbers never lie that should answer your question Slk70.... and should put an end to all debates. group hug please. i might ad that was also on a dynojet which does put higher numbers then a mustang chassis dyno. so that should answer some questions. i run this same system on both of my cars. Slk70 you have heard my car... it is very quite.
maybe one day those of us on the east coast can hear it too. thanks for the link. highjack-- maverick man-- did you know there is a company selling carbon fiber hoods on ebay that look identicle to yours? theirs are alot more expensive tho.
yep they been doing that for years. they don't have them. not worried about it anymore but thanks for heads up.
Hard to make any determination from that article. They have a 400 hp 302 drag race only car and the only hp & torque figures they spout are peak numbers. Doesn't really have much to do with the original poster's 300 hp car that probably sees mostly sub-3000 rpm strreet driving.
....you forgot to add that you can Always believe Everything written in a magazine (sorry, havent stirred any pots for a while)