Correct Yes , you are absolutely right, it's over first ticket he get's, I was able to secure unbeleivably low insurance through a few little tricks , but 1st ticket for speeding 15mph over, wreckless driving, etc. It's over on the low insurance and so are his driving days.......we do have a moped he can still use
Yeah under my father's insurance I was paying 35 a month once I got my insurance it was 240 a month for pip I live in Florida. I was pulled over once in the maverick I was scared ****less I was going 5 over. cop approach me asked to see my registration and smiled said I knew it was a maverick I had one long ago. He just pulled me over to talk about the car I felt so relieved.
Let me elaborate My son is an A/B honor roll student, is in his last stage to becoming an Eagle Scout, does alot of volunteer work (got a letter from pres. of US for exceeding 500 hours community service in one year), is a CIT couselor in training at a camp for troubled underprivelaged youth or kids with ADD/ADHD who struggle is classrooms and he loves it, school out for summer and he spends a month of his time volunteering there, he went to the camp when he was 9 years old for his ADD, since they have invited him back to "honor camp" where they take a group on a really nice trip (Universal Studio type trips) and ask him to start CIT when he turned 14, at 18 they will pay him to be a counselor if he chooses to stay on, he really is one of the most unselfish giving kids I yes I am very proud of him obviously AND I have to admit he get's all that good stuff from his Mom, seriously! If he was like me at that age he would be driving a Yugo missing on 2 cylinders.