I'm not entirely sure what to do, the car still has all the original California and emission but has a leak on the bottom of the tank, the tank is not rusted something pierced a tiny hole in the bottom I wonder if gas tank Renu could fix it . Have you had any experience with this type of problem yourself with that type a tank
Hole in the tank - do you mean the vapor tank or the fuel tank? Also, I'm a bit confused which system we are talking about. Is this the 1970 only vapor tank in the trunk? Your vehicle in your profile is a '72 and that is a pretty simple system compared to the '70 one. Renu can fix any fuel tank no matter what size hole. If it is the vapor tank I'm afraid it has been awhile since I had one in my hands. Where they metal? If so a small hole could be patched with JB Weld and a screw that fits the hole. A radiator shop could braze it and pressure test it too. On the bottom of the tank, nobody would ever see it. If that tank is plastic a similar fix would work. Just make sure to use an epoxy that is compatible with the type of plastic.
OK - understand now. If the hole is just one from something like a runaway drill bit, use the screw with some JB Weld or rubber washer. That tank holds vapor and the repair is no where near as critical as a liquid fuel tank. A band aide patch of some fiberglass cloth and resin would do it too. Since it is at the bottom of the tank and nobody will see it once installed you can get a little creative with the repair.