This is what I use for racing apps not for everyone but when ya got 15k in a cleveland motor it's worth it .............. you only buy it once and you can check and see what's going on inside your motor without a teardown!!!!!!!!!!
wix x2 i love wix filters. i wouldnt put a fram on my wheelbarrow. i pulled too many off of cars and built to many motors from the insides sucking together
Wix here as well. I did a lot of research on the subject and there is a whole blog about how one guy compared each and every one of the filters side by side. The Wix and NAPA Gold both came out on top. I use the race version with the part number of 51515R.
WIX all the way for every filter I buy. Napa gold filters are made by WIX and it says so on the corner of the box.
I use an Amsoil EaO15 oil filter. One of the best filters you could buy. I also use a Filtermag RA365. And when I change my synthetic oil once a year with less than a thousand miles of use, I put it in a bottle with balsamic vinegar and save it for use on a nice garden salad with my dinner. You can read about the use of magnets in this thread: Strong magnets to clean your oil
I know they get bad mouthed but I've never had a problem with a Fram. Other than that I have used a WIX filter also.
I use WIX. I will assume most of those who've had a problem w/ Frams; the filters were on competition engines? Correct me if I am wrong. I have used Fram's over the years and also never had a problem. The Fram's were on daily drivers.
I have used Fram with no ill effects/rashes but...I preferr Purolator filters or Wix... FYI... Motorcraft filters are made by Purolator...
OK Dave I'll order a Ford filter tomorrow. I'll add it to my pile of Spring time install parts. Gees cant wait to get rid of that rusty lookin water pump. HAve a nice new Edelbrock in my parts pile.
Does the 090 supersede from the old fe148?? We still have the old 148's. I just ran the fe148($3.27 our cost) number through dealerconnect but no supersede. Where did you get the 090 listing from??
I use whatever is on sale at Advance Auto Parts. (usually Purolator) That way I can get 5 quarts and a filter for around $16.
i dont have parts access on dealerconnect. i know an 090 fits almost everthing v8 until recently when the 899 released. hemi, 4.7, 5.9/5.2 also 3.2/3.5 2.7 now everything uses the 899 the 090 is the same as a fl1a the 899 is the same as a fl820s think the pn is 05281090