Another Motorcraft FL1A user here. I'm not sure what I'm gonna run on my Nissan yet, probably a Wix of Purolator probably. I too have heard lots of bad things about Fram so I tend to stay away from them.
i use napa gold. used to use wix but nobody carrys them anymore so i get the napa gold. it is the same filter. i do belive that nobody will every be able to show that a motor doesnt last as long with a fram filter. would i use a fram filter or the cheap option filter? no i would not. i dont want anything orange on my car. i use the napa gold/wix partly because they are black and there quality is great. just the wall thickness of them is more than the fram and other cheap filters and that makes it easyer to change.
Used to use STP or Fram til I read about them.. Now I run Castrol Syntec 20w-50 and a Motorcraft or K&N depending on whats on sale at work. Went from 40-45psi cold to 55-60 and 5-10psi hot to 15-20
I like Wix as a first choice and Purolator second. As I recall Wix made Napa's filters. I'm not sure if they still do or not. I'd use Napa filters except they're way too much in my locale!
Motorcraft FL300, but always factory filters, Toyota gets a Toyota filter. The manufacturer knows whats best. They have to last through the warranty period without a major failure to make a decent profit so I figure they know best. Also a good filter has to collect as much garbage as possible without being a restriction itself but needs to have a good anti-drainback valve designed in it as well. A lot of the aftermarket one size fits most don't have this feature. JMO
FL1A on my daily driven (70-75 miles a day, 90% highway) 200 I6 with Castrol 10w40 in the summer, 10w30 in the winter. Change the oil and filter every 5,000 miles or so. Engine stays pretty much spotless inside.
filter use I use wix, hastings, motorcraft fl1a these are the filters i grew up with and have used my whole life with out any problems.