A lot of what happens in a race is often due more to driver skill than just what the car has. Just because you beat him once isn't a true reflection of the differences between the two cars. I can't tell you how many seemingly experienced drivers I have out driven while driving an 18 wheeler. And out run from redlite to redlite. The 3V Stangs are really slow out of the hole and quite lazy in the lower rpms. Chances are he'd have beat you in the 1/4 mile, having had time and distance to catch you.
Just for FYI, my 06 bumped the speed limiter at 140 mph. It would go faster had that not happened. But that was one scary car above 100mph with the steering they come with. I only tried it once. My 89 Ranger was far more comfortable above 100 mph with it's V8.
Yes, and most likely, his being stoned out of his mind helped me in the long run! Regardless, if I run 15s or 11s, it was fun as HELL! I don't care who wins, as long as I am running down the track without chunks of my car being left behind!
That's the key phrase here. I'll bet it won't make it into the 12's, that's no reflection on your abilities, just what the reality will be.
And, by the way, "driver skill" is what gave him the 1 second head start...I was screwing around with my feet, and looking down when the light turned. When I looked up, he was gone. So I gunned it and caught up with him, and still got the white slip. THAT is what pi$$ed him off the most. He left first, and we got to the light at the same time, or thereabouts, and he got the yellow slip. He actually got out of his car and cussed out the girl at the time-slip hutch, because he felt that he deserved the white slip due to my negligence.
Sounds to me like you are posturing up to me. you arent that far away from me, so drive on out here and try it out against me! The fun will be racing against you, not me winning (or losing, which is more likely!) but having the chance to run the 1/8th alongside another maverick, slower or faster, would be a BLAST!
I wouldn't be too sure. Adding 130 horsepower should lower your 1/8 mile time by about 3/4 of a second which, by the 1/8 mile time you had smoking the Mustang, should put you into the high tens.
We'd have to meet halfway. Port Arthur used to have a nice track back in the 70's. It had a huge "speed bump" about a third of the way down the track. As for the 1/8 mile ? I don't know how that can be much fun, my mind is geared more towards much longer runs on open roads late at night. 1/8 mile is like running redlite to redlite without the traffic to make things "interesting" :16suspect
He was likely dicking around in 1st and second in that time after he jumped the lights being that he was stoned. That and like I said the 3V stangs are lazy in the lower rpms, making it easy to catch one if the driver hasn't caught onto that fact. Mine was slow as hell until the secondary slide valves opened, then, watch out, it'd put you firmly back in the seat till it hit the rev limiter.
BadDad457, Part of the reason you have such bad "wheel hop" is the pinion angle. When I put the Steeda Pan Hard bar in it relocates the lower control arms down, which changed the pinion angle enough that I had no more wheel hope. Then I talked to a few road race guys running newer Mustangs and they said the same thing. Oh, I also had an FMS aluminum driveshaft and the car started out with Steeda lowering springs, but I deep six'd those for some FMS springs. Yes, without doing a little tweaking with the computer it also starts to run lean above 6000rpm. As for being scary at 148mph.............it felt very solid and even a little cross wind didn't seem to budge it. The only thing that was scary was the brakes fading a couple of times..............the car weighed almost 3700lbs with two people and enough gas to get me 90 miles.....................it wouldn't run on anything except 93 pump gas, and when that disappeared I started cutting it with 104 unleaded racing gas. My Maverick has done a 9.801 1/4 and it weighs 3125 without me, 3350 with me.................some Mavericks are not very light!
Yea, could well have been the pinion angle and stock suspension. But the tires didn;t help either, the compound of the P-Zeros are hard enough that when I sold it six months ago with 48K miles on it, the front tires still had at least another 12K left on em. Mine was stable at that speed, but the steering was too responsive to suit me. Best time I had in it was two years ago crossing Independence Pass in Colorado late one afternoon with no traffic. I don't mind the 1/4 mile, but I prefer the open road, that comes from 34 years of truckin.
Well, for some 40 years all I thought about was going fast in a straight line, then I joined the SCCA, got my competition drivers license and went racing at Laguna Seca, Sears Point, and Thunderhill..................that certainly is a rush coming into turn one at 100mph..........braking............hitting the apex........and then putting your foot to the floor again to be able to exit turn one at 100mph.......................they both certainly have their moments. Road racing can last a long time when you are driving full out around a road course................and when you get out of the car you are totally soak&wet under your driving suit......................and in a drag race...well, it's come and gone in a matter of seconds. I think it takes just a little more skill......or should I say a different set of skill sets in road racing because you are accelerating, braking, steering and having to use that skill set not only down the straightaway, but before, during, and after every turn you make..................truthfully, I love them both!
Interesting way of putting it! I haven't had the opportunity to do the 1/4 mile yet, but recently moved to where I am MUCH closer to Houston Raceway. But they usually have professional race events going on and I have no idea when they do test and tune. Being out on the open road would be cool, but I tend to drive like a grandma when I am around other cars.