I beleive Dennis' motor is a .030 over 302. no stroker, unless he changed since last year. Dyno'ed at 304(?) rear wheel HP and was turning 13.0's when we drag raced last summer.
fuel pressure? Looks like a fuel filter and pressure gauge..... at least that is where the fuel line comes in on my comet BTW Dennis, when you read this, that is the cleanest "driven" engine bay I have ever seen, NICE .....Robert
Lol @ Craig...yup.. that car gets all of 100 ft. of Road time a year...it is impossible to keep a "Driver " that clean...you could eat off the differential of this car its so clean...Dennis works hard to keep it that way too. I've seen Concours that weren't this clean.
Driven" Now that's funny!! Well I have seen the Sprint sitting in the rain. (Carlisle this past summer). Dennis wasn't happy about it, but it has been wet. He even drove it around the show grounds. Anyhow if I spent as much time on a car as Dennis had, I wouldn't let it get dirty either. Again Great Job Dennis.
Hey Dennis gave me a ride to the auto parts store (twice) after I broke the wheel studs at last years roundup. It rides and runs as well as it looks!!!! And I didnt have to take off my shoes either
He does "drive" it....just not to the grocery to get a gallon of Milk. Saturday morning of the Round-Up he was up bright and early pulling the wheels off the car and cleaning every square inch of the car. I am surprised Todd that you were allowed to keep your shoes on!! I can tell you, when my orange car gets done...it will be a definite trailer queen!!
a non driver is just a trailer full of clean car parts. you know we are going to get it when he gets back. so let me be the first to say i didn't mean a word i said. ...frank...:bananaman :bananaman
I hope to have the car done by 2007. Seriously....I was going to start in on it...but I bought that '75 Comet and I have been parting it out. Just about done with it.
driven :confused: thought I saw pics of the car on THE TRACK at roundup that's driven but I figured it wasn't a daily/weekly thing anyway, hasn't he owned that car for like 20 yrs or so and rebuilt since then ?........ Robert ps Craig, any trim parts off yet?