carbs Federal Mogul makes the Carter carb, there basicly the same as Edelbrock, I have a 625 Carter on my mav and a 650 Edelbrock on my Chev pickup, I use the same jets and rods in both!
10-4...if they don't carter needs to sue edelbrock for stealing the design or vice versa... I see no difference in yours and mine. Go to edelbrocks website and look up your part number and it will tell you everything you need to know about that carb.
I've run Holleys on the street for years, many times not touching the carbs while putting thousands of miles on 'em. They are not 'race only' carbs. It looks like you would need to come up with a choke plate and linkage, a lever for the kickdown, and a rebuild kit, which in the long run, may cost you more than just getting a new carb. Or shop the want ads or ebay for a carb meant for your application. You could probably find one for $100 on ebay.
OMG!!!! That's beautiful!!!! I'm going to clean up my carter and see what it will do for now. I'll likely rebuild one of the holleys for practice and stick that on after I do. Man that is beautiful!
so many things change so often. I haven't ditched that plan yet. The only efi setup I have right now is from a speed density setup. I do, however, have the upper and lower intake and injectors ready to go. I don't want to spend the money on a mass air setup, as I part stangs out all the time, so I am waiting for my mass air setup to come by, as I know it will. My plans in the future for this is likely gt40p heads, port and polished by someone I know, and likely a cam. My mother made me promise almost a year ago that I would have this car up and going by mothers day in may. I fealt that time wise, I could have this up and going carbed in a weekend. My dream and passion is with the 5.0 efi engines. Unfortunetly, I have my car priorities so far twisted and so far up my ass, I can't get anything done. I have decided though finally that I am done with my stang projects for now. I truly hope to make Knotts. Btw, Julia, my first kid is due right around then, we'll see if she happens to come then or not!!
Then Weber needs to sue them all because it is a Weber designed carb and is produced under license from Weber of Italy.
jeremy your carter carb is known as an "AFB". (aluminum 4 barrell) this was a hot muscle carb in the 60's (mostly chrysler), but federal mogul re-introduced them, and possibly improved upon. i had one of these (625 cfm) on my original maverick, and it ran better than any carb i ever installed on a maverick. but alas the carb throttle plate got warped, and i had to get a new carb. i bought a new holley #1850, and never could get it right. it now sits on a friends 69 cougar eliminator, and he regrets buying that P.O.S. from me. he was sure he could dial it in. i ended up putting a 500 cfm edelbrock on it, and it worked flawlessly. as for the warped throttle plate... carters/edelbrocks put the bowls on the sides of the carb, rather than back and front. i neglected to purchase the throttle cable relocation kit, and killed my carb. the kit only costs about $15, and is a wise investment if you go with the carter. im not out to diss holley's. some people dont experience all the troubles ive had with them. but as far as aftermarket, budget priced, universal carbs go... the holley sucks. one backfire (and holley's do this) you blow and power valve and have to tear the darn thing apart. there are no power valves in your carter/edelbrock to blow out. the carter is very easy to service. and you DONT void your warranty when you take the top off. metering rod changes can be done in literally seconds, without removing the top. jet changes are not difficult, but wont be necessary if you have a "strip kit" with a nice selection of metering rods. use the carter and invest in a strip kit. you'll be satisfied
Ya know, I am not a Holley apologist by any means, and they have their quirks, like any carb, but I have seen a lot of people here lately trash holleys, and usually the people doing the talking don't know much about carbs and only tried one Holley in their entire lives. Holley wouldn't have made it to where they are without making a carb that works. While it is fair to have preferences, everybody does, don't trash a company when you don't know what you are doing.
trashing holley? just for the record.... ive owned more holley's than anything else. the 1 bbl on my falcon was awful. the one on my cobra jet torino was awful, and every #1850 i ever used was awful. ive had poor results with brand new holley's out of the box. it wouldnt work on my 302, sucked on my last 351 cleveland, and sucks badly on my current 351 cleveland. and this is a new carb too, with all the expensive ford hardware from holley. obviously the #1850 is as universal of a carb as there ever was. and in my opinion... they are not ford friendly. i know im not gonna change anyone's mind about holleys. but ive go PLENTY of (bad) experience with holley's and the day i discovered the edelbrock/carter 4 barrell, i quit having carburetor issues. i find these carburetors to be consistent, and very ez to tune. i feel much more confident with its idle quality. i know people have thier horror stories about my carburetor too, so there is no winable argument here. i can only relate my experiences and add the similar experiences of others, that ive witnessed. ive seen MANY cars with holley's that really run well, and i wouldnt for 1 moment suggest they jerk their holley in favor of anything else. i hope im not being accused of "trashing" holley. they are a long standing, reputable company, who's name is synonomis with "performance". my preference is my perogative. i stated a case by which i based my opinon on experience. and not with just one carb. if someone is in the dark enough to make a post seeking advice, its relatively safe to assume they would appreciate opinions from any related source. i think i offered an opinion of validity. bottom line, in my opinion.... an edelbrock is a better piece for someone who isnt particulary mechanically inclined or motivated. once you get it dialed in, it locks in and you dont worry about it no more. thats what i want in a carburetor. if youre wanna race your car, a holley is probably a better choice. but those "quirks" are gonna be more numereous :confused:
carbs This is my opinion, so keep that in mind. First off the Carter is best used in Marine application with a rope on the end of it. Edlebrock, along with others picked up the patten when Carter didn't renew it. They went out of business because the carbs were junk back then. Just like Colt let the patten slip on the 1911 handgun now everyone makes them. The Holleys, unless you have "documented" history ain't worth much either. The list number on the chock air horn will tell you what they are and what they went too. There was a few GT500KRs that were dual quad 427/428 engines, but I doubt, ("not sure") that they were auto trans, especially in the racing days. Sticks only. Those carbs are for auto trans with the kick down lever. They look more like 289 HiPo carbs, which were 480CFMs. If so they are still worth some bucks. Post the list number off the carb airhorn. Personnally if it was my engine, a Holley 600 with auto kickdown and vacuum secondaries. Adjust the sec to where you want them. Electric choke, dual fuel feed. Or even 600DP with auto kickdown and electric choke. Choke and kickdown you'll probably have to put in yourself, but so what.