Ayup... keep em both! I agree too... or two... or three... they both look like decent projects... a parts car to me is a late model 4 door with 5 lugs and disk brakes, etc. All the earlier cars with simpler lines and small bumpers are true to the original design. I noticed the big rust issue between the torque box and the fender doesn't seem too bad on your blue car... and all I really see in the pics is a dirty, greasy old engine... one mother of a clean and degrease under the hood usually makes a car much nicer to look at and easier to work on. As a friend I met through this board said... when you have a "project car" and you want to build it up into something special, go find yourself a late model car and swap all the good parts into the "keeper" (5 lugs, disk brakes, V-8 motor, bucket seats, nice interior, etc)... then you can "rebuild" the other car into something sell-able and maybe it can become someone else's project car and you can walk away with $1000... ... I hope that made sense.
They both look like good starters to me. If you get one finished, c'mon down to one of our Oklahoma mini-meets. Actually, just c'mon down even if you DON'T have the car finished.
That sounds like something I can do, what do I need to do to get signed up? Oh, after listening to your comments I think I may actally work on both cars together. Any input on try to accomplish this; has it ever been done; or is it something to stay away from?
Heck most of the guys here try to work on 5 or 6 cars at a time I think they would just get bored working on one
WOW!!! If you found that funny get ready for this one... I see alot of abbreviations but I dont know what they mean, is there like a legend or something somewhere on here? Whats LDO?
LDO stands for Luxury Decor Option. Because of it your teal car has fog lights, a grabber style grill, vinyl top, bucket seats, different door panels, if you notice your doors match the later model 73-77 doors (your car must be a 72) that silly little fake wood peice on the dash, the bumper guards, the LDO hubcaps and premium gas cap at one time too. The power steering and the AC fall into the LDO package now that I think about it, but I still think they were seperate options. and yes my car is a 72 LDO
Over 10 years and I have done nothing to either of my cars. I am giving the blue on to my dad. The other will be parted out.