Who made suggestion of rerouting serpentine belt over radiator hose?

Discussion in 'General Maverick/Comet' started by scooper77515, May 30, 2013.

  1. scooper77515

    scooper77515 No current projects.

    Jun 30, 2004
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    Issaquah/Grand Coulee, WA
    Fresh out of Mavericks
    Finally. Went to A-zone and told the guy I was going to buy 4 belts and bring back whichever ones don't fit. He complained about not wanting to do a bunch of returns, so I offered to leave my driver license and a credit card if he would let me take a few home and try them, then I would only buy the one that fits. He offered to let me take two home.

    So, I tried them both out, and the bigger one was just barely short, so went back, bought the next bigger size, and it slipped on and works just fine!

    Then I pulled the spark plugs and cranked the pulley in a little at a time, then turned the engine by hand to rotate the pulleys, and repeated until the belt started to line up in the middle of the water pump pulley (only one without grooves), so now it is centered.

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