yes and that was confirmed today at the swap meet. It seems the real challenge of building a mustang would be, which one of the couple hundred suppliers do I buy whatever part I need from.
Yeah, everything seemed to be for mustangs. Chris was probably the only guy selling parts for Mavericks. There wasn't much for Mavericks at the other vendors. BTW : Idk where he was but Nick Zuk was somewhere down there he has a 427 powered Mav under a tarp in his garage.(There is a thread about it somewhere here)
but here is the other question, the nova, business coupe chevy 2, not ment to be a muscle car, just a 6 cylinder are the old corvettes muscle cars or are they sports cars
i dont consider corvettes to be a muscle car they got balls but theyre still a sprts car and novas seemed to be a little more high end then mavericks imo. they also got a little bit of a head start before the maverick. they had time to build a reputation during the muscle car years and alot of them actually left the plant with some muscle under the hood, big blocks and v8s that actually made some power. the mid-late 70's novas dont really hold water compared to mavericks though if you ask me
I have had plenty of compliments on my car and I know alot of the other guys have because there is alot of whole lot nicer cars than mine on here that I drool over so I know they are getting the compliments!
Other then the first couple of years, Nova's got big Horse power (L79 327-350HP, 350's, 396's) and 4 speed options the Maverick never had a performance option from the factory.
All i know is at least 3-4 times a year at the car shows i can barely get out of the Comet after parking it and someone wants to buy it. When i say no i don't want to sell they usually say, " No their never for sale are they" then walk away not to happy. And it's not like my Comet is a perfect car show by any means or stretch of the imagination. There coming along, with time they will get more respect then they seem to get now.
Oh-Oh... I just started painting mine green - since I didn't like the brown. I guess it'll be just as ugly... I get 4-5 compliments a day sitting in traffic, and in spite of the rust they ask if it's my daily driver and I say yeah and for that I get another thumbs up. "Cool man." and they drive off. Occasionally in a parking lot I pop the hood to show them it's just a six (apparently the racing stripe infers that it should have a V-8 in it). The raised eyebrow twitch does it for me every time.
lmao, "JUST A 6????", i can see their faces now i didnt mean anything by the green color, i was just refering to mine, sorry guys
beg to differ, mine came with 4 speed floor shifter _____________ when i decided i wanted a vintage car i never even looked up for a mustang, why? well i think it's too overvalued, people just think that because it's a mustang it's a classic or it has to be sold $30000 and up! no actual reason at all! ok some of those mustangs are really nice but seriously... they were ment to be a secretary's car, and besides IMHO Mavericks have a much nicer body. To be honest my first choice wasn't a maverick, i was looking for a 67-69 plymouth barracuda, then a friend offered me a maverick ('73/289 v8/4 speed) and i took it without thinking it twice. Since then i've been offered to buy it more times than i could remember, even when it was all rusted with no interior but the seats. Now everytime i take it for a ride people stare at it, ask me if i sell it, give me thumbs up, and even mustang guys crack their necks looking at it! and it's raising surprisingly up in price, which i haven't decided if that's good or bad, but anyway it's a beatiful, sporty, comfy, reliable and fast car (done 190kph) and that's more than many mustangs wish to be. I like to think that if only the 70's oil crisis had begun a little bit later the mavericks would have overtaken the mustangs and faded them to oblivion.
i forgot to mention that even shelby made a shelby maverick which is, in my opinion, a kick on the n@ts to all mustang-shelby-exclusive-club people. that meant that the maverick had something to offer and shelby noticed it! now all we need is that maverick begin to appear on the movies and tv as the cars of the heroes to make a reputation!!!
Lets break it down through the twisted eyes of me. The horse, a gracefull, elegant, beautiful animal. Breed to run. The bull, a huge massave animal gifted with horns. Breed for power. Anybody can learn to ride a horse, it takes men to ride a bull Mustang, an inbreed horse. Maverick, an wild untamed cattle So, let them ride there overpriced horses into the sunset, and well ride our bulls
He was referring to the US market cars. They were available with 4 speeds in Mexico and Brazil but never for the US/Canada market. All we could get was a 3 speed. Also in the same respect we never had a 4 banger available in our cars either so I guess you could say its somewhat of a tradeoff.