I find them relatively cheap at car shows with swap meets. If you beat the toploader guy to them, you can get them for 200-400 bux. Every show you go to, there is usually at least one of the big toploader rebuilders represented. That guy will walk around the show in circles waiting for a toploader to pop up, then he'll snatch it. The one in the Sprint I got for 200 bux, about 3 paces ahead of the toploader guy at that show. He offered me a 100 bux to walk away, then when I bought the tranny, he offered me 400 for it. He had bought a couple up at that show and was asking 600 each, and if he didn't sell them, they get "rebuilt" and they ask around 1800. You would think "rebuilt" means at least a great deal of new parts inside... However with these, they only replace what is broken. Front/rear seals, top gasket and some paint. Call it "rebuilt". It's a little more than that, but not 1800 bux worth!
When rebuilding a manual transmission, the only things that are replaced are the synchro rings, small parts kit, bearings and seals. If the gears are bad then they are replaced but you don't replace gears as a part of a rebuild when they are in good shape. Top-Loader gears are so big and strong that they aren't often found in poor condition.
That may be true with some rebuilders, but the ones David Kee goes thru are all new aside from the main case and tailshaft housing. He's even got completely new units for sale too. He's a great guy to deal with, I've sold him two Toploaders and bought parts from him to go thru others.
I purchased a competition hurst shifter and install kit for my CR toploader 4 speed from david kee, man what a kick butt shifter !!!!! good stuff !!!!
Are all you guys with the Hurst Competition Plus running reverse lights? I have never hooked mine up but when I was at Year One last month all parts were 20% off so I bought the Hurst Reverse Light Switch. Once of my winter projects will be installing it ...